Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Family Federation Forced donations

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
5) Forced donations
More than any other religion on earth, the Family Federation demands many donations from its members.
Of course, it’s true that there was a huge donation providence during the time that True Father was alive. During Father’s lifetime, a truly astronomical amount of money was invested in front-line activities, making it possible for True Father to make incredible progress and accomplish great success. Whether it was in the field of politics, business, media, society, culture, the arts, education or humanitarian relief, or in projects that included scholarships, the Peace Cup, the inter-religious movement, the ecumenical movement, global peace work, exchanges between North and South Korea, the Han-Il Tunnel Project, etc. In all these areas, True Father achieved things that not even nations as powerful as the USA could accomplish.
However, according to the grapevine, since True Father went to the spirit world, the global providential activities once pursued by True Father have either been terminated or greatly reduced. What ongoing providential projects currently remain? On the other hand, the donation providence not only continues, but is being increased day after day. After True Father went to the spirit world, Mother Hak Ja Han proclaimed 'unceasing progress', but in truth, all but a few activities have been halted. The only thing that has progressed without halt is the donation providence.
Just a short time ago, Japanese members were told to “get the victory of 210,000 yen (approx. $2000), 3 new members and 1 blessing candidate (including 1,400,000 yen donation (approx. $12,500)) per family by August 30”.
But let’s see. Are donations war? The Japanese leadership are saying that if you give all these donations, you’re being victorious! It almost makes me laugh, or cry. Members are also told to make donations in order to receive a 'Filial Piety Award'. So does this mean that if you don’t make the donations, you’re not being filial, or dutiful?
In the meantime, a variety of other donations and responsibilities are also being assigned. New donation requests come out almost every day. There’s so many, it’s actually hard to try and list them all: a mourning donation of 400,000 yen ($3,500), a donation of 120,000 yen ($1,000) for the third anniversary of True Father's passing, and so on.
On top of this, we now have this thing called 'Heongeum Cheong Seong' (‘donation devotions’). Members have actually been asked to make special donations as ‘a condition’ so that Hyung Jin Nim will return back to Mother, and members are apparently being interviewed about this, family by family.
The purpose of the interviews is no doubt to find out how much each individual family can donate. In other words, the Federation simply intends to gouge out as much cash as possible. I wonder: when they use Moon Hyung Jin as an excuse for collecting more donations, will they send the donations over to him?
In June of this year (2016), instructions were issued that 'the 4 holy items' will be bestowed, which of course means more donations. You have to admit; these people have some pretty big cojones.
According to what I’ve heard, after Father’s ascension, the Pyeong Hwa Automobile venture was handed over to the North Korea regime. True Father established that project in order to promote the unification of North and South Korea. Unfortunately, there is no real way to know what is going on behind the scenes. So despite the fact that a colossal amount of public funds were invested in the Pyeong Hwa Automobile venture (all for the purpose of promoting economic cooperation to help North-South unification), our members have no way to know why the venture was abandoned and why it was handed over lock, stock and barrel to the North Korean regime. North-South unification is still very far away.
Why is it, do you think, that the poor Unificationist members – all of who have to bear such massive ‘donation responsibilities’ in the name of the Providence - are not allowed to know anything at all about the operation of public assets? Also, how are they supposed to interpret the almost daily revelations about the misuse of public assets by so many church officials?
From what I hear, many Japanese members have lost their homes because of debts they incurred from making donations. These members end up being ostracized by their relatives and living on the streets. I have heard of second gen members who only eat one meal a day, and the only reason they get that meal is because their school provides it free of charge.
Why is the Federation squeezing and squeezing and squeezing Japanese members? Do they intend to eventually squeeze out their blood, and then try squeezing them some more? What for? Is this for the sake of Providence? What kind of providence makes members into delinquent borrowers and abject beggars? Seriously, what kind of providential activities are you currently pursuing?
Then again, it was recently announced that the Federation will build the Sonhak Memorial Hall. So I guess you can do the math. The decision was made to sell off the Soo Teck Ni holy grounds. When the local members expressed their opposition, and made a local vote, the leadership ignored the result and instead kept on pushing and pushing with new rounds of votes until eventually the ‘decision was made to sell’. Is this supposed to be some kind of ‘democratic election method? Is this how you make decisions by asking the members what they think? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
And it’s now being said that even the New Yorker building will be handed over to non-church people.
So what is this big push to sell off all Father’s holy grounds and buildings? These things should be preserved for history and posterity! And what’s the goal? To make some sort of memorial hall? What is the memorial building supposed to memorialize?
Members are being activated for the donation providence. They are mobilized in heavenly tribal messiah activities, and they hand out flyers in the streets. They recruit bachelor farmers in rural areas with the promise that if they join, they can quickly get a bride and get blessed. So how much are those blessing donations? You tell us that the cost of the Blessing is 6,000,000 won (approx. $5300).
I'm told that the fee in Japan is more, about 14,000,000 won (approx. $12000). What is it that costs so much? The participants prepare their own rings, clothes, neckties, bridal veils, right? Is it the donations that make them owners of Cheon Il Guk?
Let’s be honest. They aren’t owners of Cheon Il Guk. Aren’t they really Cheon Il Guk slaves?
Indentured servants? I really want to ask you. If Japanese members are mobilized for the donation providence and end up selling their houses, in what sense will they actually be 'blessed'? Or is it better if they become enslaved by a mortgage, offer up their retirement funds, and in debt? If they become defaulting borrowers, eventually kicked out in to the street? Is that all right?
I’ve heard that as soon as a member makes as many donations as they can, the church steps in and mortgages the member's house and then walks off with the bank's money. If you mortgage someone's house and take the money, don't you have a responsibility to later pay both the interest and the principal and recover the mortgage? Meanwhile, church officials live in luxury and extravagance. It's outrageous.
As President, Hyung Jin Nim instructed that public assets be sold off before the Family Federation leaders gobble them up. He directed that the money be used to pay back the debts incurred by Japanese members in making their providential donations.
Yet, church members have no idea why Tongil Financial Group chairman Moon Kook Jin and Father’s successor, Moon Hyung Jin, were so suddenly expelled and moved to the United States.
Hyung Jin and Kook Jin were actually putting things right in the church, and this brought them into direct conflict with many, many avaricious church leaders, leaders the brothers refused to cooperate with. This, my friend, is the reason they were expelled.

1 comment:

  1. Then again, it was recently announced that the Federation will build the Sonhak Memorial Hall. So I guess you can do the math. The decision was made to sell off the Soo Teck Ni holy grounds. When the local members expressed their opposition, and made a local vote, the leadership ignored the result and instead kept on pushing and pushing with new rounds of votes until eventually the ‘decision was made to sell’. Is this supposed to be some kind of ‘democratic election method? Is this how you make decisions by asking the members what they think? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.


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