Friday, November 8, 2019

Hak Ja Han is not the messiah

Hak Ja Han is not the messiah
  1. She did not reveal the Principle
  2. nor did she lead the providence of restoration by conducting rallies or declarations, etc.
  3. She did not gather world religious leaders, global political leaders or academics to convey to them God's will.
  4. She was not persecuted by Christianity, and she did not receive opposition from her nation or the world.
  5. She did not suffer in prison 6 times for the sake of God's will, nor was she subjected to harassment or torture.
  6. She did not leave behind some 1200 volumes of speeches.
The only thing she did was leave Hoon Dok Hwe services earlier than the members, and she did not offer prayers in a public or formal position. On what foundation does the Family Federation suddenly assert that Hak Ja Han is the Messiah?
These days, the Family Federation frequently say 'True Parents are one, True Parents are united' while in fact they are creating confusion about what 'being one, being united' really means. We all learned through the Principle that there is a subject and object within each existence. In True Parents' family, the subject is True Father and True Mother is the object. 'Are one, are united' does not mean 'the subject and the object are completely the same'. It means 'the object has become absolutely one with the subject's will, the object follows the subjects will and purpose 100%'.
When the object has practiced absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, that's when they 'are one’. That’s when they ‘are united.'
For example, when we say that we are one with God's will, or united with God's will, it doesn't mean that we are equal to God's will. It means that we follow God's will 100%. If you think about it, that’s easily understood. When we say 'become one with True Parents', 'become one with the Word', we aren't saying that we become the same as True Parents or the same as the Word. What we mean is that we follow True Parents absolutely and/or submit ourselves completely to God's Word.
The leaders of the Family Federation, however, say that ‘True Parents are one, and are united’ while setting up the logic that True Father and True Mother are the same person. Whether it's True Father or Mother, ‘they are the same, they are equal in authority, and equal in ability and capacity’.
‘True Father is a True Parent, and Mother is a True Parent, so there is no difference between them. Whether it is something True Father did or something that True Mother did, in the end, they are all the same.’ This is what they are saying. Accordingly, it is then OK for Hak Ja Han to change what True Father established, to correct what True Father established, to abolish what True Father established, and to remake what True Father established. That is what they say. Why?
Because both of them are a True Parent that is why.... That’s the logic that the Family Federation lays out. Blatantly. In fact, it's more than blatant. Anyone can see right through it.
Saying that True Parents are one that they are united - this does not mean that they are equal in authority or equal in capacity. We have to correctly understand what 'are united' means: it means that they are united within the realm of love, and that’s all.
But the Family Federation misleads its members to think that '(True Parents) being united' means that they are the same in terms of authority and capacity. They then use this logic to drive through their agenda of abolishing and amending the accomplishments, the rulings and the teachings that True Father established.
They use this logic so that they can dispose of True Father's actual will and purpose. In doing so, they have become rebels and betrayers. So then how do they say that ‘True Parents are one’? How can they say that they ‘are united’? For example, is ‘being one’ simply a matter of decorating the church hall with a photograph of their couple affectionately holding hands? Is raising both arms and shouting 'True Parents Ok Mansei!' with Father all that is necessary to say there is ‘oneness’, ‘unity’?
Mother is the object who has abandoned her subject, so how can you say that ‘they are one’? They are not ‘one’.
The ideal of True Mother that we have attended all our lives has already been smashed to pieces. When the leadership of the Family Federation says that ‘True Parents are united’, they are doing nothing more than trying to capitalize on True Father's accomplishments and status. Following True Father’s ascension to the spirit world, these betrayals have become worse and worse, until finally the Federation is not content with merely changing and scrapping True Father's words and traditions. At this point, they are actively denying True Father's lineage.
Hak Ja Han calls herself the 'only begotten daughter’, ‘the wife of God’ and even ‘God’ herself. In choosing a path that destroys the providence and eliminates the Messiah, she is merely building a tower of Babel that tries to make her equal to God, but actually, this only displays her ignorance and arrogance. Hak Ja Han's current actions are destroying True Father's lifelong providential foundation, and we can see with our own eyes that by doing this, she is in fact bringing destruction upon herself.
Even though she previously stood in the position of True Mother, it will be hard for her to withstand Heavenly Father's wrath. She has no real option but to repent and beg forgiveness from both Hananim and True Father.
True Father established his two sons, Moon Kook Jin and Moon Hyung Jin, as Cain and Abel. Moon Kook Jin Nim was able to attend, love and submit to his younger brother Moon Hyung Jin as True Father's representative body and heir, and on this foundation, True Father blessed the two of them as the victorious Cain and Abel.
Thus, True Father's providence has already been successful, and the lineage of Adam on the Heavenly side has been victorious. Tragically, however, Hak Ja Han denied these two sons despite their Cain and Abel victory. Instead, she drove them out into the wilderness.
After this, she stated that she would decide on the ‘successor’ through the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council. This shows here determination to deny the lineage of the Messiah embodied in the victorious Cain and Abel - forever. How can we see this as anything but a complete betrayal of God's providence? Doesn’t this show a clear intention to eternally scrap the providence of the victorious Cain and Abel?
Then on what basis do you say that Hak Ja Han is right? Someone who denies lineage like this is clearly ignorant of the Bible and even more profoundly ignorant of the Principle.
I once saw someone boasting about being a Divine Principle lecturer, saying that he had read the Cheon Seong Gyeong 100 times. Yet, how little he realizes how his own ignorance. If you don't understand the meaning of lineage, then you know nothing about the Principle.
This ‘lecturer’ failed to grasp that the history of the providence of restoration is the history of recovering the lineage. I mean, why on Earth did God wait for 2000 years before sending the Second Coming of Christ? Why didn't he just gather together church representatives like the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council and select a smart person by democratic election?
Why was it that the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is God's hope? This person I spoke to had no idea why Jesus had to come again. Jesus had to return in order to meet his bride. He had to return because he was unable to establish God's lineage on Earth the first time.
And the Family Federation believes they can deny God's lineage and choose a leader through the will of the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council? How is this not a denial of Divine Principle?
Are you seriously trying to say that this is not the work of Satan?
The family of True Parents is the model for blessed families. So how are we supposed to act, those of us who have believed and followed the path, those of us who determined to emulate True Parents’ family, who believed that we must become one as a couple and remove the fallen lineage, then give birth to children without original sin and form an ideal family?
If we do not become united, it means we are separated and divided.
So who should we follow now?
It really goes without saying. We have to follow the lineage of True Father, the Messiah. Why? Because the purpose of the providence of restoration is to recover and establish God's lineage. The purpose of our life of faith is to follow and attend God's lineage on the earth.

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