Friday, November 15, 2019

Does Hak Ja Han have the authority to change True Father's words and principles

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
1) Does Hak Ja Han have the authority to change True Father's words and principles?
The Family Federation asserts that because Mother is the perfected Eve, she cannot make mistakes or do anything wrong. They also assert that because she is one with True Father, what Mother does is the same as what True Father does. They say that True Father is with Mother spiritually. Accordingly, they assert, regardless of what she does, Mother is correct and righteous. In other words, members should follow in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, even if they don't understand.
The members of the Family Federation are told that because President Hak Ja Han is the living True Mother, they must obey and follow everything. The Family Federation position is this: because Mother is ‘one mind, one body’ with True Father and has equal authority, she has the authority to revise and change True Father's words and instructions. In other words, Mother does not have to obey or follow True Father's words.
This position means that she can revise and modify the Eight Great Textbooks, including the Cheon Seong Gyeong; she can change, at her discretion, various principles and traditions that True Father established (Family Pledge, the Cheon Il Guk Anthem, the Holy Marriage vows, the position and role of subject and object, sale of holy grounds); if someone doesn’t obey Mother or is ‘unfilial’ to her, she can get rid of that person, even if it is True Father's successor; she can abolish the three kingships set by Father and set up the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council in its place, and when the council selects a successor according to Mother's will, only then will the Federation support that person.
On the basis of this position, True Father's words being deliberately altered and the institutions and guiding principles that he established over his lifetime are being swept aside and changed.
It makes no sense. What does ‘one mind, one body’ mean? Doesn't it mean that the mind and body have become completely one? Doesn’t it mean that the will and purpose and direction and action are all completely aligned? So then how can you say that the actions of denying, altering and remaking all of True Father's works are an expression of ‘one mind, one body’?
From the year 2000 onwards, True Father became deeply concerned, saying that Mother was not following True Father's words.
When he was alive, True Father severely scolded Mother for going against the Will of heaven, and reportedly even warned her that he could divorce her.
If one presents these words of True Father to the Family Federation headquarters, they just shut their mouths and run from the argument. They imagine that as long as they keep the members in the dark, it will all work out somehow. But is that really possible? They may be able to block the eyes and ears of the membership for a certain period of time, but the truth cannot be buried forever, and the leadership cannot keep the members under wraps forever. The only people you can completely lock down are criminals (in prison) and the mentally ill.

1 comment:

  1. The Family Federation position is this: because Mother is ‘one mind, one body’ with True Father and has equal authority, she has the authority to revise and change True Father's words and instructions. In other words, Mother does not have to obey or follow True Father's words.


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