Thursday, November 14, 2019

Changing the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem and Holy Marriage vows

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
3) Changing the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem and Holy Marriage vows
As the leadership of the Family Federation, you seem to think that you can just get rid of 'Blessing of Glory' which True Father designated as the national anthem of Cheon Il Guk and simply replace it as you like with a newly written ‘holy song’.
A national anthem is a song that expresses the core philosophy and ethos behind the founding of that nation. It is meant to awaken the spirit of true patriotic love.
In this sense, the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem should be sung by the Unification Family with solemn hearts in praise and gratitude for the suffering heart that True Father endured when walking the path of restoration. 'Blessing of Glory' is a hymn written by True Father after he overcame the suffering of the Heungnam concentration camp. It is infused with True Father's course of suffering and victory.
When we sing the Cheon Il Guk Anthem, we are able to reflect on the suffering path of restoration and focus our hearts in filial piety and loyalty towards God and True Parents. In this way, we inscribe the meaning of the song into our hearts.
True Father clearly explained the reason why he chose ‘Blessing of Glory’ for the Cheon Il Guk Anthem. It is because this song is imbued with Father's life course.
If you thought about this aspect, would you have so easily and willfully undertaken to change the Cheon Il Guk Anthem? What kind of founding spirit is expressed by the newly minted 'Cheon Il Guk Anthem'? A Cheon Il Guk Anthem that omits the heart of Heaven is meaningless.
Nonetheless, you constructed a new anthem by modifying the lyrics of the 'New Song of Inspiration' so that they now glorify the Han Mother. Isn’t that right? You have removed True Father's restoration course of suffering and victory from the Anthem. I wonder. Did you just sing the song without heart, without reflecting on its meaning? Is this why you have concluded "anything will do?"
4) Changing the Holy Marriage vows
How is the salvation of fallen human beings accomplished? Firstly, individuals must invest themselves to live a life of faith and pass through a course of separating from Satan. In this way, he restores, in form, the position that Adam and Eve were in when they fell, namely the top of the growth stage of the growing period. On that foundation, the individual can be reborn (liquidate the original sin) by receiving the Blessing from the True Parents. After having recovered the position of Adam and Eve before the fall, the individual must attend the Messiah, the True Parent, and grow further to eventually complete the growing period and become an embodiment of perfect completion, thus moving into the direct dominion of God.
Thus, complete salvation can only be achieved through a relationship with the True Parents. The original sin must be liquidated through the Blessing of the Messiah at the top of the growth stage, where Adam and Eve fell. This is the meaning of the Blessing that we all understand.
The problem is, it is extremely difficult for human beings who carry the fallen lineage to achieve the top of the growth stage. This is why, as I expect everyone will know, the Blessing that we received from True Parents was a ‘position blessing’ or ‘conditional blessing’ received under the blanket of True Parents' grace. Because we were unable to attain the spiritual standard appropriate for receiving the Blessing, we received the conditional blessing, but then it has been our responsibility to continue to grow so that we eventually fulfill the requirements of that position.
For example, even if a blessed couple falls or for some reason the blessing is broken, it can still be recovered if a different person steps in and fulfills the responsibility required. Why? Because that blessing is not given to an actual individual. Accordingly, because we were unable to achieve the completion level of the growth stage, True Parents had us offer our promise through the holy marriage vows. On that basis, they allowed us to receive the Blessing.
Thus, True Father had all the righteous men and women who participated in the Blessing ceremony first offer a promise through the four holy marriage vows and then, on the basis of that condition, gave them the Blessing.
Accordingly, True Father would deliver the four questions of the vows, and the men and women in the Blessing ceremony would loudly declare their promise by responding "Yes!" After this, True Father would offer a benediction for the holy marriages and then declare the holy marriage accomplished.
In other words, in that "Yes!" that we offered for the four different vows, True Father accepted our promises and on the basis of that condition, gave to us the grace of the Blessing. This is an important point. We need to clearly understand that True Father gave the Blessing to all of us, brides and grooms who had not yet accomplished the completion level of the growth stage, on the condition of our promises in the form of the Blessing vows. Without our making these four promises, there is no way that God and True Parents could permit us, as fallen humans, to receive the Blessing.
Sadly, after True Father ascended to the spirit world the four holy marriage vows disappeared from the Blessing ceremony. The newly substituted single vow has a similar format, but the contents are completely different. This new solitary single vow is now the required condition for the Blessing.
Take a look at the marriage vow used at the True Family holy marriage of Moon Yeon Jin and Moon Jeong Jin. Following Foundation Day, all Unification blessing ceremonies have been conducted using the changed holy marriage vow. The four vows were replaced by a single pledge: 'Do you pledge to form a true family based on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, centering on Heavenly Parents?'
Let me ask you this: is there no difference between the holy marriage vows and the kinds of ritualistic promises made by a couple when being married by an ordinary celebrant? They are different; the holy marriage vows given at the time of the Blessing are an unchangeable promise and pledge to God and True Parents. The Blessing is to be received on the basis of the vows provided by True Father. If someone else's vows are involved, then it is not True Father's Blessing. To be a blessed family, the vows have to be the vows provided by True Father. If you give a different pledge, then you simply remain as you are, and establishing another fallen family. Is this point too hard to grasp?
Think about it! How can God bless these brides and grooms, who have not yet reached the completion level of the growth stage, if they have not actually given their promise to live according to God's will? Oh, they offered a promise, sure, not to God, but to some other being, so how can God and True Father possibly recognize the Blessing they received? They cannot.
The Foundation Day blessing was a blessing without a relationship to God or True Father, a blessing at odds with the Principle of Creation itself. The Foundation Day blessing was the blessing of an Archangel who operated under the name 'heavenly parent'. From the viewpoint of the Principle, this blessing should never have existed. It is an unprincipled, misshapen blessing.
All families that received the Blessing after Foundation Day have taken part in a new type of blessing. They drank the 'holy wine' provided under the dominion of the being known as 'heavenly parents,' a holy wine very different from the one that True Father gave to us. Thus, the Blessing that we previously received from the Messiah, the True Parent, was erased, replaced by the blessing of the archangel, a blessing which has no connection to True Father at all.
This is truly dreadful, an absolutely appalling development. And you, you have to take this seriously and snap out of it!! Because of this situation, none of the families in the Family Federation are blessed. Regardless of whether they were blessed in the past, all these families have collapsed into a position where they have no connection with the Blessing of God, the Blessing of the True Parent.
Likewise, there are no second generation in the Family Federation either. Now do you understand why Moon Hyung Jin has been scolding Family Federation members so much? He has been calling out to you for the whole of the past year, trying to rescue the Family Federation families who, unbeknownst to themselves, all received a false blessing. He has been shouting out and calling to you with all his heart, pleading for you to return to True Father.
Do you not yet understand why he took such offense at the leaders of the Family Federation? Why he labeled them swindlers? Do you still not get it? This is why he has been making so much noise, even calling you idiots, fools, even morons? It’s in order to snap you out of it! To wake you up!
Unless families Federation pass through the 'Blessing Ceremony to Return to True Father's Authority', the archangel will never let go them go. Why? Their lineage has been changed by their participating in the archangel's ‘blessing’ wine.
Moon Hyung Jin received the Blessing from True Father. He was anointed and blessed as Father’s representative body and heir. In that coronation from the King of Kings, Moon Hyung Jin was proclaimed as True Father's successor before all of heaven and earth. But there is more to it. We also have to realize that True Father handed over to Hyung Jin Nim the authority to give the Blessing. To members of the true family, to the second generation, to first generation, to previously married couples, and even to the spirit world. For this reason, no Blessing that excludes Moon Hyung Jin can be a true Blessing.
All of you have received a false blessing. You have to receive the Blessing again from True Father's representative body. There is no blessing that Mother can give alone. The Blessing must be conferred by a couple - the heir's couple - which still stands representing Heaven.
For these reasons, only the Blessing given by Moon Hyung Jin is the true blessing. All others, each and every one, are false. Who can make the holy wine? If True Father was alive, then it would obviously be True Father. But after True Father has ascended, only his representative body and heir is qualified to make the holy wine. True holy wine contains the lineage of Heaven, but the holy wine provided by the Family Federation is a ‘holy’ wine given by the Archangel. It is not the same holy wine we received from Heaven through True Father in the past.
The holy marriage vows are not something someone just made up. We can find their meaning through the Principle of Creation. It is not simply a matter of asking "Do you pledge?" The vows themselves must comply with the Creation Principle.
Besides the marriage blessing, we all participated in a number of blessing ceremonies while True Father was still alive. These include the Cheon Il Guk Registration Blessing and the Blessing Ceremony for the Coronation of God's Kingship, etc. In each case, we were given the same holy vows. And in each case, we responded with a loud voice: "Yes!" Is it possible that these were simply ritualistic vows, that had no specific meaning? Actually, True Father is a very thorough person, and he always gave the Blessing to each blessed family on the basis of them giving him their promise and pledge.
Family Federation members who attended the post-Foundation Day blessing ceremonies can only return to the position of blessed families blessed by True Father by repenting for their false blessing ceremony and receiving the blessing once again through the "Blessing Ceremony to Return to True Father's Authority".


  1. Accordingly, True Father would deliver the four questions of the vows, and the men and women in the Blessing ceremony would loudly declare their promise by responding "Yes!" After this, True Father would offer a benediction for the holy marriages and then declare the holy marriage accomplished.

  2. In other words, in that "Yes!" that we offered for the four different vows, True Father accepted our promises and on the basis of that condition, gave to us the grace of the Blessing.

  3. Without our making these four promises, there is no way that God and True Parents could permit us, as fallen humans, to receive the Blessing.
    Sadly, after True Father ascended to the spirit world the four holy marriage vows disappeared from the Blessing ceremony. The newly substituted single vow has a similar format, but the contents are completely different. This new solitary single vow is now the required condition for the Blessing.


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