Thursday, November 14, 2019

Scrapping the Eight Great Textbooks

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
2) Scrapping the Eight Great Textbooks
The Family Federation is abolishing the words that True Father left for us (the Eight Great Textbooks) and are putting up the 3 Great Scriptures in their place. Even though the Messiah himself emphasized that the Eight Great Textbooks are his final will and testament to humanity, the Federation is abandoning these, willfully and without his permission. In their place, the Federation has put forward the '3 great scriptures' (Revised Cheon Seong Gyeong, Peace Scripture, True Parents Scripture).
True Father warned us that altering even a single word of his scriptures would invite heavenly judgment. Despite this, the Federation scrapped True Father’s designated scriptures. The revised Cheon Seong Gyeong, for example, contains alterations to more than 70% of the original contents in the original Cheon Seong Gyeong.
The Federation leadership have brazenly deleted, modified, edited and added to the texts that the Messiah himself left behind for all posterity. If they needed to have alternate scriptures, then they could have left the Eight Great Textbooks intact as the legacy that Father established and then published the ‘three great scriptures’ later. Scrapping the Eight Great Textbooks that True Father designated as his final will and testament is unacceptable and inexcusable.
For this reason, you must not refine or trim them. (April 26, 2005)
(Explanation) The Cheon Seong Gyeong is Father's final testament, the words he put in preservation before going to the spirit world. Because he offered the Cheon Seong Gyeong, Page 1564 (Korean version)
There is only one person who can correct or modify (why does this say wolli Kangnon when he is referring to the CSG??) Wolli Kangnon, and that person is me (True Father). You have to move forward centering on Father's recorded speeches. If you love me, then you have to love the Eight Great Textbooks even more than I do. (November 19, 2009)
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Haeseol, Page 811 (Korean version)
Can you simply change the documents blessed and sealed by God and Father according to your own thinking? You have to see them as absolute. They contain the words that your descendants can love and revere for thousands of generations. (February 27, 2007)
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Haeseol, Page 841 (Korean version)
I do not want anyone to take my words and try to polish or refine them. If they are distorted, it will become a condition for you to be accused when you go to the other world, and you will be unable to avoid judgment Eight Great Textbooks directly to Heaven, everything is finished. Father stated clearly that there was nothing more that needed to be changed.
True Father told us very clearly not to manipulate his words and texts under any circumstances. He gave us strict instructions, saying "If I said shit, then record it as 'shit', and if I said 'fist', then record it as 'fist'". Several times over, True Father read through the texts and went over all the details in his Hoon Dok sessions, sacrificing even his sleeping time. Finally, he gave it his royal kingly seal and offered those texts to heaven.
And yet, the Federation still revised the texts. Even if Father had never left instructions that his texts were to be meticulously preserved, how can it be acceptable to modify and change the Messiah's texts just according to one’s own thinking?
If you do not believe what I am saying here, then compare the texts in the Original Cheon Seong Gyeong with the revised Cheon Seong Gyeong. More than 70% of the text has been modified. Words, even prefixes and suffixes have been changed. Check it out. Verify it. Check to see if I am telling the truth.
True Father explained to us about the source text for the speech he gave at the 'Cosmic Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word of God in the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind'. He told us that the text contains True Father's lifetime story and that Cheon Il Guk itself is contained within. He treasured the binder containing this text up until the time directly before his ascension. Whenever he went somewhere, and wherever he went, he took this binder with him: to all public events (and public rallies of various sizes) and to Hoon Dok Hwe, where he used it as his reading material.
If you look at the text from page 44 onwards, True Father clearly states that the Eight Great Textbooks are the final testament he has prepared and bequeathed to humankind, and he instructs us to read and study (Hoon dok) these texts, not only on Earth but also in the spirit world. Yet, despite this fact, after True Father's ascension to the spirit world, the Eight Great Textbooks cannot be obtained from any of the official FFWPU organs (including the Cheongpa Seojeom (bookstore). That is the current reality.
At the head office of the Family Federation, they stubbornly defend this position, saying that because these books have already been bequeathed to members, it simply does not matter.


  1. True Father warned us that altering even a single word of his scriptures would invite heavenly judgment. Despite this, the Federation scrapped True Father’s designated scriptures. The revised Cheon Seong Gyeong, for example, contains alterations to more than 70% of the original contents in the original Cheon Seong Gyeong.

  2. True Father clearly states that the Eight Great Textbooks are the final testament he has prepared and bequeathed to humankind, and he instructs us to read and study (Hoon dok) these texts, not only on Earth but also in the spirit world. Yet, despite this fact, after True Father's ascension to the spirit world, the Eight Great Textbooks cannot be obtained from any of the official FFWPU organs (including the Cheongpa Seojeom (bookstore). That is the current reality.


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