Monday, November 11, 2019

Changes to True Father's final prayer

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
Changes to True Father's final prayer
On page 21 of the October 2012 issue of 'Tongil Segye', the text of True Father's final prayer was published. However, the content of the text of True Father's final prayer that was published in the Revised Cheon Seong Gyeong (Korean version, page 1646) is different. Moreover, the video released to members at the True Father's ascension ceremony also contains doctored contents.
So you even went as far as to falsify the text of True Father's final prayer. True Father left behind many prayers, but the 'Final Prayer' is a treasure of treasures, and should be handed down eternally together with 'Crown of Glory', so why are you hiding the text of this prayer from us, when we have followed True Parents all of our lives? You have to release the full unedited text of True Father's final prayer! Why have you only released doctored content on a made-up video that doesn’t reflect the truth? What does Father’s final prayer contain, such that you would want to cover it up?
So it turns out that the leadership of the Family Federation edited the full text of True Father's final prayer. Where on earth is the original text?
This final prayer is part of True Father's last will and testament. It includes content where he puts his life in order, content that he is passing down to future generations. It is our final opportunity to listen to True Father's words. Given this preciousness, the text should be accurately preserved for future generations with each syllable, each paused breath, left intact and untouched.
Unfortunately, as things now stand, the original can no longer be found anywhere, either in video form or in recorded text. I’d like to know who it is who is so arbitrarily messing around with and reworking the text of True Father’s final prayer. What kind of heart do they have towards True Father, towards his directions and teachings? Moreover, who entrusted this person with responsibility for preserving True Father's words? For what reason?
At this point, I find it impossible to place my faith in the text in Tongil Segye or the text in the revised Cheon Seong Gyeong. Neither can I place my faith in the doctored video, either.
In the fabricated video, True Father and Hak Ja Han are shown holding hands and praying. Why was this image used? Actually, the answer is obvious. It’s because in the actual situation, they were not holding hands and praying.
The video of final prayer that you are showing us uses images from the special proclamation ceremony conducted at Cheon Hwa Gung on April 14, 2012.
So what is this all about? Why are you lying to us? Why have you covered up the final prayer given on August 13 with an image from another time?
An expert audio analysis conducted in Japan definitively shows that the recording of the final prayer has been tampered with. While it is clear that it is True Father speaking, the audio analysis shows that the video track and the audio track are totally out of synch, and the audio track has been manipulated in a number of places. This is seriously criminal behavior.
At this point, the leadership of the Family Federation has to stop playing with the members and make the entire video recording of True Father's final prayer available. Moreover, it is only natural for members to demand this.
Or perhaps you simply think that it's unnecessary for members to know about this? But I ask you: is it unprincipled to request the facts? Does it go against the path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience? If so, then to whom should this absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience be directed, and by who?
Absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience is something that we must offer to God and the King of Kings, right? It is not something we are supposed to offer to the leaders of the Family Federation. Should we have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards someone who tells us lies? Mother herself has to offer absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to God and True Father.
We have given our faith and attendance to True Father and, as his children, we have followed him all our lives.... Is it wrong for True Father's children to want to see the original, unedited recording of his prayer? Is this in some way an unprincipled request?
Brothers and sisters! You must wake up! The leaders for whom you so often stand up and applaud have stolen the truth about True Father from you.
They are altering, doctoring, fabricating True Father's image in pursuit of their own ends. They are not followers of True Father. They are his betrayers.
Apparently unafraid of Heaven, they laugh and sing and cheer as they like here in the physical world.
And you... too many of you simply follow them, being led by the nose like slaves on a chain. In the meantime, Heaven's wrath is approaching.

1 comment:

  1. So you even went as far as to falsify the text of True Father's final prayer. True Father left behind many prayers, but the 'Final Prayer' is a treasure of treasures, and should be handed down eternally together with 'Crown of Glory', so why are you hiding the text of this prayer from us, when we have followed True Parents all of our lives? You have to release the full unedited text of True Father's final prayer! Why have you only released doctored content on a made-up video that doesn’t reflect the truth? What does Father’s final prayer contain, such that you would want to cover it up?


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