Tuesday, November 12, 2019

True Father and Moon Hyung Jin

True Father and Moon Hyung Jin
1) Three Generation Kingships the Importance of Lineage
The deepest form of love exists between father and son. If there is anyone who is willing give up his own life and give all his love for another, it's a father for his son, or a son for his father. For this reason, if the two become one, then even the universe cannot pull them apart. [2009. 12. 6. Cheon Jeong Gung]
Here, True Father explains that the most profound definition of love is the father-son relationship. In these words, Father is telling us is that even the universe cannot pull True Father and his representative body Moon Hyung Jin apart. For this reason, True Father truly dwells together with Hyung Jin Nim. Sadly, the leaders of the Family Federation are trying to do something that even the universe cannot accomplish: pull apart and separate Father and Son.
True Father chose Moon Hyung Jin as the successor for the providence to follow True Father. He directly invested Moon Hyung Jin, World President at that time, as his representative body and heir. He did this by conducting three separate coronation ceremonies, each proclaiming Moon Hyung Jin his successor to all of heaven and earth.
True Father's designated successor cannot be changed simply by human whim. Even Mother does not have the authority to deny and negate this. Father’s designation is the will of the King of Kings. Moreover, on top of this designation, True Father also determined Shin Joon Nim as the third heir and established the three generations of kingship.
So why did Moon Hyung Jin have to leave the Cheon Jeong Gung? Precisely because he is the representative body and heir. Why was Moon Kook Jin Nim expelled and forced to go to the United States of America? Precisely because he was the CEO of the Tongil conglomerate group.
The leaders of the Family Federation present the argument that True Father's children all have 5% responsibility. I’m not going to deny that. However, in reality, when True Father decided on his heir, it had to be someone who had already had completed his portion of responsibility. Of all 7 of True Father's sons, Moon Hyung Jin was victorious in his portion of responsibility, and that’s why True Father bequeathed to him the Blessing, designating him as his representative body and heir.
Isn't that clear? At the coronation ceremony for the King of Kings, Hyung Jin Nim wore the mantle of True Parents and inherited the authority of the Blessing precisely because he was victorious. Federation leaders say that he had some portion of responsibility to fulfill after the Blessing was bequeathed to him, but does this make sense, logically speaking? How do you check the portion of responsibility after the coronation ceremony has been held? Does it mean that if someone is crowned, you watch and see if they fulfill their responsibility, and if they don’t you later take the crown back from them?
In his speeches to officials of the Family Federation, True Father had already declared that, in every possible way, Hyung Jin Nim excelled, exceeding everyone in faith and practice. Nonetheless, many members are taken in by the crafty, sly logic of the Federation leadership. This is the Principle – a person is blessed as the heir after he has completed his portion of responsibility. But while True Father recognized Hyung Jin Nim as someone who completed his portion of responsibility, Hak Ja Han does not give him the same recognition. While True Father recognized Hyung Jin Nim, Mother is now denying him. It seems that the ruler used by Mother to measure her son is different from the one used by True Father. And yet, despite this reality, the Family Federation continues to insist that ’True Parents’ are one! They are one!"
The blessing to be the heir is given to one who has completed his responsibility. That is the Principle. Just pause and think about it. True Father was not one to conduct the providence in a slack or sloppy manner. Moon Hyun Jin, Father's third son, was unable to become the successor. In my opinion, it was probably because he could not gain the victory of his portion of responsibility.
And of course, being born as a true child doesn't mean automatically achieving perfection. The true children only obtain dominion over the creation by completing their own portion of responsibility and accomplishing individual perfection and family perfection. This is the way that the ideal of True Parents is connected to future generations, but being born, as a true child doesn’t guarantee that the providence will automatically connect through you.
In fact, the true children were continuously subject to Satan's attack because Satan has dominated the physical realm. Even Jesus himself was tested by Satan, and as True Father explained, the true children might well end up as providential sacrifices. Why? Because Satan continuously attacked and attacked in order to destroy the True Family. Regretfully, the true children were subject to the most arduous temptations and suffering. Heung Jin Nim, the second son, ascended early to the spirit world, as did Young Jin Nim and Hyo Jin Nim after him. Each of the other true children also experienced colossal trials and tests.
Nonetheless, if there are no children to connect the victories of True Parents to future generations, then the providence will be cutoff and interrupted. To our amazing great fortune, Moon Hyung Jin, the seventh son, was able to maintain his unwavering focus and ultimately claim victory in his portion of responsibility. Through tremendous levels of internal and external discipline and training, he accomplished a level of filial attendance and maturity of heart, plus unity as a couple, such that True Father could confer on him his own authority and designate him as the heir, representative body, and the center of the cosmic providential heritage.
Think about what happened in the Garden of Eden. Eve at the top of the growth stage was seduced by the temptation of the Archangel. She ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and fell. Fallen Eve then reversed dominion over Adam, causing him to fall, so that Adam became a false husband and Eve became a false wife. Together, fallen Adam and Eve became a false couple, and Cain and Abel were born into a false family. God worked to have these sons establish both a foundation of faith and a substantial foundation that would allow him to send the Messiah, but the elder brother Cain slew the younger brother Abel, and in this manner, the restoration of Adam's family failed.
The people at the Family Federation say that Moon Hyung Jin was unfilial towards Mother, but the facts do not support this assertion.
Let’s take a closer look. The nexus of the current situation is True Father. The key issue we are faced with is, do we keep his words, or abandon them? Will we preserve the teachings, processes and principles that True Father left behind, or will we desert them?
In the center of this scenario stands Moon Hyung Jin. Mother has left her original position as True Parent with True Father, and Hyung Jin Nim is denouncing the leaders of the Family Federation for improperly attending Mother.
The core question of the dispute is this: are we adhering to the intention and the directions of the Messiah? The headquarters of the Family Federation, however, have tried to shift the focus so that it centers on the issue of ‘unfilial behavior towards Mother’.
Did Moon Hyung Jin badger Mother or pester her for the King's position? Did he demand that he be given assets or wealth? Or perhaps he tried to drive Mother out of the church organization? Out of the community? Did he say that he is the one who is the Messiah?
No. The fact is, Moon Hyung Jin did none of these things. The only thing he did was to say “Do not change True Father's words, teachings, processes and principles”.
Now, he has no choice except to warn all the members of the Family Federation who fell into satanic dominion to return to the realm of True Father's authority. He has denounced the actions of the Family Federation headquarters – the ones who say that the era of True Father has finished and it is now the era of Mother. Hyung Jin Nim is telling us that True Father’s ascension to the spirit world doesn’t mean that True Father's work and activity are finished. Actually, it was after Jesus died on the cross that his spiritual activity rose in such a powerful way that the Roman Empire itself was brought to submission. This is why Hyung Jin Nim is shouting at us with all his strength: so that we do not destroy the foundation upon which the Messiah - True Father - can conduct his spiritual activities.
All these actions are clearly intended to preserve True Father's will and purpose. Don't you think that Hyung Jin Nim knew that if he just compromised a little bit with the unrighteousness at Cheon Jeong Gung, he could have preserved his position as successor in the church structure? If he had simply closed his eyes and pretended not to see what was going on, then after Mother passed to the spirit world, he would have become the most powerful person in the Unification Church? He would have been the master of Cheon Jeong Gung and the one with authority over all the Unification family and the one in control of all the Unification assets.
Nonetheless, Hyung Jin Nim chose to uphold the principle that the words, teachings, processes and order established by True Father, the King of Kings, cannot be interfered with. With a profound sense of responsibility, he fearlessly stood his ground to preserve the traditions that the Messiah, Savior and King of Kings had established, even if it meant he lost all power, riches and worldly honor. Is this what you call unfilial behavior? Not in my book. Instead, we should be recognizing it for what it truly is: the very model and essence of filial piety. Hyung Jin Nim is a truly filial son. And because of that, he is being persecuted.
After True Father's ascension, Hyung Jin Nim had no choice but to lay down all his public positions and depart for the United States. He left behind the Cheon Jeong Gung, and soon he was blocked from staying even at East Garden. Eventually, he had no where to turn except for a little, out-of-the way corner of Pennsylvania.
Have you ever truly thought about Hyung Jin Nim's situation? About how he had no choice but to go into the wilderness? Hyung Jin Nim is someone who abandoned all power and glory so that he could protect and preserve True Father. How can anyone label this course as a rebellion or as insubordination to True Parents? That’s such a slanderous accusation. Having been blessed as the representative body and heir by the Messiah, the King of Kings, Hyung Jin Nim found himself in a situation where he was the only one who could preserve and protect True Father's providence. As the most filial of filial sons, he stepped out to safeguard True Father's will and traditions, even if meant he had to abandon everything else. Please! Don’t believe all the slanderous libels being made against him. Rather, listen to him directly. Listen to his sermons!
Considering our current circumstances, will we be able to protect and preserve the teachings, organizational structures and cosmic order that True Father left behind? Will we be able to pass them down to thousands of future generations? Or will Father’s words and legacy be modified? Redacted? Changed? Will they remain only as a distorted version of Father's final work? Will they be a momentary blip on the scale of history, such that True Father becomes someone who is gradually forgotten over time?
This is the question. We are now faced with a fork in the road: will we preserve Heaven's lineage and safeguard the will of the Messiah, passing them on to future generations, or will we not. There is a reasoning, a narrative being put forward that the issue is really some sort of power struggle between mother and son, but this is the work of spin doctors. It is nothing more than a stratagem to divert attention away from the true issue.
If you at the Family Federation headquarters are right, then you should confront Moon Hyung Jin’s assertions and show how they are either right or wrong. It’s cowardly to just avoid the issue by throwing out emotionally charged statements such 'Hyung Jin is being unfilial', 'Hyung Jin is too angry....' etc. It is neither just nor righteous to side-step Moon Hyung Jin’s assertions with a stony silence, all the while continuing to extort church members behind the scenes.
The essence and core of the current situation revolves around the person of True Father himself:
  • Who tried to protect and preserve Father's life to the very end? Who tried to end Father's life for human-centered reasons?
  • Who tried to preserve the blessing traditions that True Father left behind, and who in fact changed True Father's blessing traditions?
  • Who tried to preserve True Father's Eight Great Textbooks, and who went ahead and modified, redacted and changed True Father's teachings?
  • Who invested to preserve the lineage established by True Father, and who denied True Father's lineage?
  • Who has protected and preserved the representative body and heir established by True Father, and who drove True Father's representative body and heir out and away?
It is important to drill down to the true nature of the issue.
  • Have you memorized the Family Pledge? Do you recite the third verse from memory? Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Generation Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.
  • Are you keeping your pledge, your promise? Are you pledging to perfect the Three Generation Kingships? Do you keep that pledge, or are you not keeping it? Is it okay to just go ahead like you have been?
If you are not keeping this promise, it means you are traitors to the Messiah, the King of Kings. If you continue in this direction, you’ll have to change the words of the Family Pledge: “Our family pledges to deny the Three Generations Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family.” At least that will be honest.
The Importance of Lineage
(Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong p. 16-17, God's Ideal family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World I)
What is the most painful Han that has affected God's heart throughout all of history, ever since the fall of Adam and Eve? God’s most painful han was the loss of Heaven's lineage, the loss of the realm of brotherhood and the loss even of the realm of ownership.
Lineage is more precious than life, and it is more important than love. Lineage is created through the fusion of life and love together. Lineage cannot be created without life and cannot be created without love. Love, life and lineage exist, but the fruit of these is found within lineage.
The seed of true love exists within God's lineage and the body of true life is alive within God's lineage.
Accordingly, when you are connected to this lineage, the ideal human envisioned by God – perfection of character - becomes possible. Moreover, the ideal family comes into being, and from there, God's homeland and ideal nation can emerge.
This is how the kingdom of the peaceful ideal world comes to be established. You need to inscribe this on your hearts: how important lineage is. You can never overemphasize the importance of lineage.


  1. The leaders of the Family Federation present the argument that True Father's children all have 5% responsibility. I’m not going to deny that. However, in reality, when True Father decided on his heir, it had to be someone who had already had completed his portion of responsibility. Of all 7 of True Father's sons, Moon Hyung Jin was victorious in his portion of responsibility, and that’s why True Father bequeathed to him the Blessing, designating him as his representative body and heir.

  2. Lineage is more precious than life, and it is more important than love. Lineage is created through the fusion of life and love together. Lineage cannot be created without life and cannot be created without love. Love, life and lineage exist, but the fruit of these is found within lineage.
    The seed of true love exists within God's lineage and the body of true life is alive within God's lineage.


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