Sunday, November 3, 2019

True Father's words regarding his successor

True Father's words regarding his successor
True Parents' Proclamation (April 23, 2010 Heavenly Calendar)
The headquarters of cosmic peace is also the one unique headquarters. Its representative body and heir is Moon Hyung Jin. Any other person is a heretic and destroyer. The contents written here are a proclamation of the True Parent(s). Sun Myung Moon (seal)
(Explanation) As the King of Kings, True Father clearly states that his representative body and heir is Moon Hyung Jin and that any person denying this and putting themselves in this position is a heretic and destroyer. He established Moon Hyung Jin as his successor.
Selected Speeches Vol. 496, p 37 (Korean version), May 13, 2005. 'Hyung Jin Nim, the son on who our hopes are hung' Hannam Dong International Training Center
Because I was unable to love my sons and daughters, I am now giving love to my grandchildren. This is my youngest son. There is only one child left. Apart from Hyung Jin, none of my children are left. All the rest are in a position where they can be caught on their violations of Principle. With Hyung Jin, his mother in law went (to the spirit world) early. Even confronted with circumstances where there was no mother, there was no mother. Currently, the mother isn't in position where she can fulfill her responsibility in the Unification Church so as a result, there are heaps and heaps of things he himself has to do.
He was enrolled in the history department at Harvard Graduate School, but then gave it up. Now, if he wants to complete a PhD degree, it would take a long time, 8 years, a long time, 7 years, more than 5 years. I told him not to pursue a doctorate. If he wanted to complete a doctorate, it would be 5 years from now, 5 years. I had told him to finish it up 8 years ago. In the 3rd era, I gave him a command. I told him that he must learn everything there is to know about religion, then from the very top grab hold of everything and turn it upside down.
Kwak Jeong Hwan! (Yes.) 어느 누구 아들한테 했더라도 그런 명령을 있는 사람을 길러 가고 있다는 것을 알아야 . (Yes.) Do you get it? (Yes.) All the kids in the middle have flaws in them. They have flaws, cracks. Even I myself was divorced, right? So I have flaws too, don't I? Seong Jin also has flaws, doesn't he? Hyo Jin also has flaws, and Heung Jin with to the spirit world, and Hyun Jin too, he also has flaws. He just does whatever he wants, doesn't he, according to his own thinking? Is that true, or not true? Kook Jin too, he did what he wanted, also.
But the son who didn't just do as he wanted... These days, when I am giving a speech, when he experiences spiritual phenomena, Hyung Jin-i comes jumping out to me before anyone else and grabs hold of me and embraces me, and sacrificing himself for me, keep his eye on me until I've finished my speech. As he was growing up, Hyung Jin-i is the one wanted to crawl into bed under the covers where mom and dad were sleeping.
In circumstances when I cannot believe in any of my sons and daughters, nonetheless he stands as the son that gives me hope. On top of that, in all things, he is fastest with regards to spirit world matters. He's met with Heung Jin, he's met with Yeong Jin, etc. When he calls them, they come, and he discusses matters with them. 어릴 때부터 자기 하버드 선생이 자기를 관리했는데, 잘못하는 날에는 틀림없이 주일 때에 오게 된다면 닫아 버리고 들어가게 해요. He's bright spiritually. 잘못했다면 반드시 자식, 이렇게 잘못했는데 어디 여기 들어오느냐?’ 아는 거예요.
Father's sons and daughters have a different seed. Yeong Jin-i too, he went to the spirit world because of that woman. That blasted Kanna, she mislead everyone about right and wrong, even going to the spirit world in Cheong Pyeong and tricking them, so I was in a position where I could not do anything but completely place my faith in her, but for Yeong Jin-i, this was the reality and it became a problem. 'What on earth does 'right' mean for you?' and then Heaven's sharp command came down and I divided them, but Yeong Jin-i was tormented internally and he went. Unbelievable! Who taught her to behave like this?
I believed in Hong Song Pyo, for 30 years entrusting this organization, this Unification Church, but then Hong Song Pyo, this guy listened to what his wife told him and was destroyed, and left. If someone isn't aligned with the Principle standard, it all comes out and they leave. I'm the only one who puts this final anchor down in all four directions... Twelve sons and daughters, thirteen of them all just snapped, disconnected. Only one is left, and that is Hyung Jin-i. The only one.
From a number of different angles, Hyung Jin-i doesn't get caught out, unlike Hyun Jin-i. He has the capacity to do greater things than Father has done. 2009 10. 8. (Thurs) USA
Our Hyung Jin-i too, he's taken up being a pastor! He's an amazing person. In the area of the most extreme martial arts in the world, he completely clobbered his teacher, not after 3 years and 8 months of training, but after less than even three months. He used a technique showed to him by the spirit world before he began to learn under the teacher, and he used that technique to completely clobber the teacher... So now the teacher treats him not as a student, but as his own master! Seriously! 그러니 말이야, 네가 마피아의 대장이 된다고. 너는 아들이 이기면 하나님을 따라가야 . 용서할 알아야 .
So this is how I taught him, and now Hyung Jin-i cannot be pinned down by older brothers. Whether in terms of strength, in terms of knowledge, or in terms of spiritual experiences, Hyung Jin-I supersedes his older brothers, even Hyun Jin-i, who is his elder several times over. The most truly awesome thing is that after coming over here to take up responsibility for the church, Hyung Jin-i then went on a national tour, following after my footsteps, and he can do things even greater than what I have done.
Our Hyung Jin-i mastered the Chinese language, all in 4 months.
November 3, 2009, Soo Taek Li Central Training Facility
Yeong Jin-i went, but our Yeong Jin-i was a genius with language, and our Hyung Jin-i inherited that, and it took him only 4 months to learn Chinese. And then connecting this with 3 thousand 7 hundred, with 7 thousand Chinese characters! Is Hyung Jin-i here? Without learning the languages to be able to read the ancient texts of seven, eight different nations, he would not be able to enter in to his PhD course. If I count off what he already knows.... Korean, Japanese, English, French, German... It all adds up to 8 nations.
Our Hyung Jin-i isn't dumb. He is capable of examining Buddhist texts, Confucian texts, Islamic texts. He is capable of examining and reviewing texts and scriptures of some 13 different religious orders. Because of that, Jesus - Christianity's Jesus - has to believe in Hyung Jin. Islam's Mohammed has to believe in him, too.2
(2 The word "belief" is being used by Father to mean trust in, give recognition and support.)
Gathering of Church Officials, April 16, 2008
True Father's words: “Who do you think I need to entrust the church to? Kwak Jeong Hwan! (Hyung Jin Nim. You already decided this, Father.) That's right. Because of that, he studied a lot of things. The chain of command must be a single chain, and I'll entrust him with doing the work that I did."
(Explanation) True Father said that he would entrust the work that he did to Hyung Jin Nim. What is the work that True Father did? Namely, the liberation of God and the work of salvation for humankind in the form of the Messianic salvation providence. True Father explained to church leaders that after his time, he would entrust these things to Moon Hyung Jin.
Cheon Jeong Gung, April 18, 2008
True Father appointed Moon Hyung Jin as both the World President and the Korean President of the Family Federation, and offered a benediction in which he assigned to Moon Hyung Jin God's authority and the right of inheritance.
Extract of Prayer April 18, 2008, Appointment of Moon Hyung Jin as the World President and the Korean President of the Family Federation
Moon Hyung Jin and Lee Yeonah who are standing here, these two - this son and daughter – who have become a couple, now, as they stand before True Parents, at this time of the turning point, the transition time, in the position of attending the True Parent, where they can represent everything and attend the True Parent with the authority of the representative body which they now inherit. Because they are now in this position, may they connect to the realm of heart....
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Haeseol, p1577 (Korean version)
The relationship between you and God is originally a parent-child relationship. In the New Testament age, human beings were God's adopted children. But now because the relationship is a father-son relationship, when the son does something, the father is doing it, and when the father does something, the son is doing it. Whatever they do is done together. What belongs to the father belongs to the son. What belongs to the son belongs to the father. What makes the Unification family so formidable is that we are teaching this kind of father-son connection. This is the most powerful, most formidable thing.
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Haeseol, Page 181 (Korean version)
The mother must respect and value her son more than her own life, respect and value her husband more than her own life, respect and value her husband's father more than her own life, respect and value her husband's grandfather more than her own life in order to fulfill her responsibility as a field.
(Explanation) At this time, Hak Ja Han is not fulfilling her responsibility. Rather, she is behaving counter to and destroying her responsibility. Whereas Father tells her to give up her own life and fulfill her responsibility as a 'field', the field has actually pulled up and thrown away all the grains. She has uprooted and chased away the successor, and is destroying all the foundation built up by her husband.
Selected Speeches Vol. 255, p 25 (Korean version)
“The standard on which the True Parent can stand is created by Cain and Abel becoming one. Cain and Abel becoming one brings things back to the situation before the Fall occurred. Do you get it?”
The Family Federation is denying the representative body and heir, but Cain and Abel have already become one. By Cain being obedient and submitting to Abel in Adam's family, Adam and the Archangel are restored to their correct positions and Adam's family is restored to the condition it was in prior to the Fall. This becomes the foundation where the True Parent can reside together with Cain and Abel. So where does True Father reside? Is it in the Cheon Jeong Gung? There is no Cain and Abel at the Cheon Jeong Gung. Cain and Abel are together at Sanctuary.
Selected Speeches Vol. 253, p. 30 (Korean version), January 1, 1994, International Training Center, 'The Ideal of the Oneness of God and Humankind in Love'
Only men carry the true seed of true love.
Between men and women, who is the subject? Is the man the subject, or the woman? "The man is the subject." In the fallen world, there is no path and no way for a woman to come into the world bringing God's true love. This is true for eternity. You have to know this point. In the fallen world, there is no way for the seed of true life that centers on true love to be brought into the world through a woman. This is because it cannot contain the standard of Adam, who is male, in perfection.
Aside from God and perfected Adam, no one can receive and inherit the seed from within God by becoming one with God and with God's love. Adam is the only one who can inherit and succeed to that seed. No woman has the seed. Does a woman have the seed, or not? "No woman has the seed." A woman is an empty nest. An empty nest, you hear? An empty nest. For this reason, no matter how great or magnificent a woman is, she cannot assert herself as having the subject nature.
(Explanation) Women do not carry the seed of Heaven. Accordingly, no woman can give the blessing all by herself.

1 comment:

  1. From a number of different angles, Hyung Jin-i doesn't get caught out, unlike Hyun Jin-i. He has the capacity to do greater things than Father has done. 2009 10. 8. (Thurs) USA


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