Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Euthanasia Issue

The Euthanasia Issue
The Family Federation is keeping their mouth shut with regards to the matter of the attempted euthanasia of True Father. They say that, at that time, True Father was conscious. They say that there were times when he would open his eyes, too. However, Hak Ja Han very strongly advocated euthanizing True Father.
The medium Kim Hyo Nam added her voice saying that the spirit world was waiting to receive True Father, so he should be sent there quickly. Where in the world do people perform euthanasia on a living person who is conscious? At the Family Federation, they put forward the excuse that the Han Mother wanted to send True Father to the spirit world because she was too heartbroken at the sight of him lying there in difficulty. The reasoning here is that there was only a low possibility of True Father recovering from his condition, and that extending his life by the means of life-support equipment would be meaningless. Thus, wouldn't it be better to send him to the spirit world comfortably? Gently?
They defend the actions of the Han Mother by saying that this was the logic behind her advocating for the euthanasia of Father. But it isn't true.
In reality, who insisted on euthanasia despite the vehement opposition of the two sons?
When Hyung Jin Nim strongly opposed euthanizing Father, who flew into a rage and violently struck him across the face? Given the situation, wouldn't the appropriate response be to say "I feel the same way, but Father's situation is so difficult, shouldn't we do something?" and then embrace her two sons and weep together? Even people in the secular world have that level of heart, don't you think?
The fact that Hak Ja Han got angry and slapped the face of her son simply because he was opposed to her action reveals her strong desire to pursue the euthanasia itself. When Moon Hyung Jin opposed this course of action and expressed disgust at the proposal, Mother felt a hatred for him and in reaction, violently struck out at her son. This action alone gives us good cause to doubt Hak Ja Han’s integrity.
Anyone who has learned the Principle needs to be clear about this point: when the Messiah is sent and when the Messiah returns to God are matters that belong exclusively to God and God's program for his providence of salvation. God chooses and prepares the time, the place and the people to receive the Messiah. When the time is right, he sends the Messiah and accomplishes the Will. How and when God calls the Messiah back to him is something that is determined solely by God's providential program. How can humans even think to decide this for themselves?
Do human beings have the right or the authority to decide the fate of the messiah based on their own evaluations? Who on earth has received this right and authority? The whole notion is clearly a satanic design and the work of Satan. The only one who wants to violate the life of the Messiah is Satan. No one else.
This is the reason why True Father's representative body, Moon Hyung Jin, censured his mother so strongly, warning "History will remember you as a murderer." Truly unacceptable, unforgivable things took place.3 Fortunately, most fortunately, thanks to the opposition of Moon Kook Jin Nim and Moon Hyung Jin, True Father passed to the spirit world at the time decided by God, not man. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim protected and preserved True Father's life.
3 Editor's Note:
The author is referring to an incident that took place when Rev. Moon was in the hospital linked up to a respirator. As Hyung Jin Moon explained, Hak Ja Han and the medium Kim Hyo Nam wanted to take True Father off the respirator, which would have resulted in instant death. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin vehemently dissuaded them from this course of action, warning her that if she (Hak Ja Han) took that step, she would be remembered in history as the one who murdered the Messiah. Thanks to the intercession of the two sons, Rev. Moon passed naturally at 1:54 am on September 3, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. This is the reason why True Father's representative body, Moon Hyung Jin, censured his mother so strongly, warning "History will remember you as a murderer." Truly unacceptable, unforgivable things took place.3 Fortunately, most fortunately, thanks to the opposition of Moon Kook Jin Nim and Moon Hyung Jin, True Father passed to the spirit world at the time decided by God, not man. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim protected and preserved True Father's life.


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