Monday, November 4, 2019

True Father's words and the Han Mother’s Claims

Comparison of True Father's words and the Han Mother’s Claims
1) The claims of President Han following True Father's ascension
October 27, 2014
There is no one who educated me. The only begotten son and the only begotten daughter are equal. No one can say that the only begotten son educated the only begotten daughter.
September 12, 2014 Mother Hak Ja Han's claims directly following the holy marriage ceremony of Moon Yeon Jin Nim and Moon Jeong Jin Nim
"I don't know if you have heard this or not, but I am someone who grew up in the realm protected by the heavenly parents. I was separate from fallen human beings from the time I was in my mother's womb. You need to know that, all of you. That’s why, even if no one teaches me anything about Principle, I myself know which way I should go. I felt this powerful sense of compulsion that through me and only through me the heavenly parents would be liberated and humankind would be liberated."
"This (removing the fallen lineage) cannot be done by just anybody. No one can do it except the only begotten daughter. The one confirmed as the only begotten daughter... When Jesus appeared to Father and asked Father to take on the mission he could not fulfill, that is when Father's lineage was switched. Do you understand? The start and the end of Heaven's work is the same. There can only be one only begotten son, right? One, only one. But then, there's no only begotten daughter, is there? That's why, it has to be me; it cannot be anyone else. No one can do this apart from me. You need to know this, all of you. You all received the Blessing, didn't you?"
Analysis: I (the only begotten daughter) was separate from fallen humankind from my mother's womb. That is, my lineage was changed within the womb. Change of lineage can only be accomplished by the only begotten daughter. Only the only begotten daughter can give salvation.
The statement that True Father was switched - that his lineage was changed - after he met Jesus, means that up until before he met Jesus, True Father's lineage was a fallen lineage. This is a denial that True Father is the Messiah, that she herself is the messianic Only Begotten Daughter, and that only through her can salvation be given.
After that date, Hak Ja Han continued to says things that contradict True Father's words.
  • "I am also a Messiah."
  • "Father's lineage is a lineage with original sin."
  • "I was born without original sin."
  • "I am the only begotten daughter."
  • "I am Hananim."
After this, the Han Mother’s attitude and demeanor changed even more. She began to ignore True Father and even brazenly take steps to sweep him away. She took down True Father's portrait from public locations, started sitting in True Father's chair, and even now has removed True Father's chair altogether. This is tantamount to an out-and-out declaration that she has separated from Father, that she now has nothing to do with True Father. It shows clearly that all yearning, longing and respect for Father has cleanly been erased.
2) True Father's words regarding Hak Ja Han
(1) At the start of the 1990s
Selected Speeches Vol. 233, p87 (Korean version), July 30, 1992
Mother is the holy spirit. Anyone who betrays the holy spirit cannot be forgiven. There is no way for that person to be reborn. Even if Heaven wants to forgive, there is no 'seed money', no foundation to start from. Mother is the one who brings resurrection to life. She gives rebirth and blesses.
Selected Speeches Vol. 250, p340 (Korean version), July 30, 1992, Jeju International Training Centre
If I were to die, what would happen? Mother would carry out the will. She's the mother, right? Even if I go to the spirit world, as long as Mother is in the physical world, a realm of unification embracing both the spirit world and physical world is created, so I would be able to come to the earth where Mother is and live there together anytime.
Selected Speeches Vol. 258, p138 (Korean version), March 17, 1994
In South Korea or in the United States, people are worried, saying 'Reverend Moon is an 80-year old grandpa, so who is going to his successor, the 2nd spiritual leader? If he doesn't get ready, the Unification Church will collapse and disappear.' I'm saying now, don't worry about such things. I am carefully preparing Mother so that she can be a woman who can easily take on the role of 2nd spiritual leader.
At that time, Father's children (Kook Jin, Hyung Jin Nim) were still quite young, and in those days, Hak Ja Han was maintaining her position as an absolute object to Father. However, as the latter half of the 1990s approached, True Father began to worry about Hak Ja Han's short-comings and difficulties, and warned her about maintaining her absolute love, absolute faith and absolute obedience.
(2) In the latter half of the 1990's
True Father sometimes reproached Hak Ja Han and often warned her, saying that she had to fulfill her responsibility. He also stated that if she failed her responsibility, she too could be replaced.
Selected Speeches Vol. 312, p177 (Korean version), October 15, 1999: 'The Providence through Blessing' (Uruguay)
Mother, too, has to have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. That doesn't mean absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards Father centering on herself. Until that time, Mother absolutely has to follow in order to accomplish the Will. .... That's why if Mother, who we have here, thinks about things in her own way and starts building her own nest, it's a really big problem. But I myself won't get caught on such problems. If it's feelings, I rise above them and go over the problem. I rebuild the mountain. Now that we have entered into the completion era, if Mother does not fulfill her responsibility, I have plenty of successors lined up who can take her place.
(Explanation) Here, Father is explaining that if Mother doesn't follow True Father but instead goes her own way based on her own thinking, then Father can replace her and set up a new Mother in her place.
Selected Speeches Vol. 456, p465 (Korean version), November 11, 2000: 'Key ceremonies and proclamations of the Family Federation era'
Father and son are connected by a direct link. The mother is not required here. The era of mother-son cooperation and the era of father-son cooperation are different. Absolute obedience is required. What I'm saying here is directed to Mother.
Selected Speeches Vol. 393, p318 (Korean version), October 8, 2002: 'Rally for Determination and the Path of Completing the 8 Stages'
Mother, too, doesn't know this. If Mother knows this, can she restore it? She has to learn this from Father. Mother has to practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. These days, Mother is being welcomed all around the world, wherever she goes, but she must not forget True Father. The more she does, then if I say 'I will rise to the highest position and I will establish Mother in the highest place', then Mother has to go down to the very bottom of hell. Do you see? (Yes.)
(Explanation) Here, True Father is saying that Mother does not understand how the providence of restoration works. That is why he is saying that Mother has to absolutely follow True Father. He is saying that if she doesn't do that, and instead tries to lift herself up, she will drop down into the bottom of hell.
After True Father's seonghwa, Hak Ja Han stated that she knew everything from the start and didn't need to learn anything. She said that she didn't learn anything from True Father. Hak Ja Han's claims and True Father's words are diametrically opposed. This means that one of them is lying. This is why True Father said that Mother would have to go down to the bottom of hell. These words by Father are seem incomprehensible to most of you, but True Father clearly stated that if Mother was unable to become an absolute object, she would end up going to hell. It is not because of a lack of filial value that Moon Hyung Jin says things reproaching and chastising his mother. These are actually True Father's words.
Selected Speeches Vol. 607, p11-12 (Korean version), January 24, 2009: 'How to be proficient in the ways of the Heavenly Kingdom of Natural Law'
For that reason, I do not own anything. I don't have anything, not even a single coin in my wallet. I entrusted everything to Mother, but Mother is tightly gripping on to it and thinking about how to use it according to her own whims (as she wants). She is doing things as she likes, going her own way. "You go the way you want, and I'll go the way I want." That's what she's saying. You cannot imagine how deadly serious I was this morning. In that black, black world without any sun, before the sun came up, I set out at dawn, determined, just as if electric lights were shining on a sandy beach. I'm going to bring about a massive revolution today, this day, that's what I'm telling you. I'm telling Mother, alright then, go ahead and ignore what I say. I’m washing my hands of it.
(Explanation) True Father here is expressing his worry and concern about Mother going in a direction opposite to the will of True Father. He is laying bare his miserable situation and the heart behind it.
March 6, 2000, Hannam Dong International Training Center
In the final days, the mother is the nexus of the problem. Because the mother fell, she is lost. That's why we are now entering the father-son era. The son can call the mother over and establish her, or the father can call the mother over and establish her. As of the present time, this still has not been restored. The son wasn't able to accomplish this with the mother, and the father wasn't able to accomplish this with the mother, and so at this time, we have to resolve this and escape the problem centering on fallen Eve. The era of mother-son cooperation has passed and now we are come to these times... In the era of mother-son cooperation, there has never been a nation. If we want to establish a nation, we must enter into the era of father-son cooperation.
If you look at the mother, her lineage is different. What remains of the lineage is the father-son relationship. Do you understand? Do you see? (Yes.) The mother is the field, the field. As long as there is some field to plant it in, the seed can bear as much fruit as it wants. That’s why lineage is connected through the father-son relationship.
The lineage was twisted and became wrong because of the fall. That fallen lineage is what must be negated. The era of mother-son cooperation that centered on the mother until now must now transition into the era of father-son cooperation. As a result of that transition, once the orthodox standard of the heavenly nation, the individual standard, the family standard, the clan, ethnic group and national standards are established, then everything will be completed.
This is now that time. And in this time, there is no such thing as your own ownership, or your own anything. Prior to establishing the father-son relationship, there is no such thing as ownership. What do you own?
You have to deny all the ownership that formed the fallen satanic realm through the mother in each of the fallen eras. For this reason, even if Mother is not here, I can always find and recover another mother. Do you understand what I am saying?
If the mother fails in her responsibility, as long as the son and the father are one, together, then there are plenty of mothers waiting in line, as many as they need. As long as Adam exists, then the mother Eve can be created, right? As long as Adam's son maintains the pure unfallen lineage, then the women can be recreated, however many is necessary. They can be recovered, and established, without any limit.
(Explanation) Father is telling us that in the final time, the mother will fall. He is explaining that as long as True Father and his son become one, then if Mother makes a mistake, they can chastise and scold her, and if she fails in her responsibility, a new mother can be found, recovered and established.
Selected Speeches Vol. 613, p178 (Korean version)
What is the path that Mother must go? Mother cannot simply say "You go your way and I will go mine." She can't. Mother is in a position where she has to grab hold and tightly hold onto the tailcoats of her sons and daughters. She has to tightly hold on to Father.
(Explanation) The path for Mother to go is the path of following True Father and his son. Father is explaining that she has to follow the lineage.
Selected Speeches Vol. 613, p50 (Korean version)
Who can give forgiveness to the people that drive nails into me, the people who have hurt and wound my heart? Even Mother I cannot forgive for that. I cannot take that kind of Mother with me into Heaven, and I cannot take those kinds of sons and daughters into Heaven. What are they hesitating for? When I began my mission, it was already decided whether 6.5 billion human beings, in fact hundreds of billions of human beings, would listen to me or not.
(Explanation) Here, True Father is explaining that if someone betrays his will and purpose, then they have no relationship with True Father, even if that someone is True Mother or the true children.
Selected Speeches Vol. 613, p149 (Korean version), June 5, 2009 'The Path True Parents must go and the Organizational Structure that will Save History'
My family is a very, very complex family. My family has no place it can stand. I have to cover over all of those flaws and lay the foundation stone in the ancestral ground, in such a way that the father seed (sperm) of love and absolute sex of the cosmic Sabbath is firmly settled and established; but I could not lay this foundation stone yet. ... If Mother does not secure her position before the date of January 13, 2013 passes, the problem will be massive. For this reason, I have released Mother from her tasks. I have asked her to stop fasting, too.
(Explanation) What does it mean when Father says that Mother must secure her position? It refers to maintaining her position, that is, the position of absolute object, until the very end. What else can this mean except that she must absolutely maintain and keep the words, declarations and will of True Father, who is both the Messiah and the King of Kings?
Selected Speeches Vol. 614, pp95-96 (Korean version), July 13, 2009
You have to realize that there are not many members who know that the era of father-son cooperation has been declared. The providence is going in reverse, retreating into the era of the realm of motherhood. I have to make mother all over again. I have to make her again, I'm telling you! I've been raising her until now, up until I am 90 years of age. There is now 3% of the way left to go.
(Explanation) Father is explaining that Mother is not perfect and that she still has responsibility to fulfill.
Selected Speeches Vol. 461, p26 (Korean version), July 19, 2004 'Completion of the Family Pledge and Life of Attending the True Parent'
All of you, do you think that when Mother was born, she was born already as a princess, or that she was born already as the wife of the returning Lord? Let me tell you how it is. Mother was born with a fallen lineage, within the fallen bloodline. And if you ask ‘did she became a woman of great capacity, like a spring water that softly bubbles out from the crevice between the rocks in the midst of a garden filled with filthy dishwater, well, that’s a hard question to answer.
(Explanation) True Father states very clearly that True Mother came from a fallen lineage.
Printed in Tongil Segye 2010, July edition, July 1, 2010 (solar) 'God's ancestral homeland is Korea' (Yeosu)
May the fifteenth, 2010, according to the Heavenly Calendar... this day is an important day. It concerns a secret, final declaration signed by Mother and I together at 25 minutes past 3 o’clock in the morning, before breakfast. This is something even the God of Night and the God of Day don't know about. So what is this 35 minutes past 3 o’clock thing, made before breakfast on May the fifteenth, 2010? This is the time that, centering on every thing that has happened so far, Mother and I secretly made a promise concerning Korea and the direction of things to come; it is the time when Mother promised that she would unite with me without fail and go ahead on that basis. Before this, Mother never said that she would go ahead becoming one with the Parent. She couldn't publicly proclaim that before God and the Earth and the world.
This event, the one that took place at 25 minutes past three, at 25 minutes past 3 o'clock in the morning on May 15, 2010, Heavenly Calendar, is when Mother and Father promised this centering on God prior to the final end of the fallen world. "Aha. As we greet the era of the completion, conclusion and finalization of the old testament, new testament and completed testament eras, I declare this by offering the era of the entire whole, the entire range, of the entire (complete) authority and entire ability (omnipotence) that perfects and completes the realm of final oneness between True Father and True Mother!"
(Explanation) These are very significant words from Father. Father is explaining that Mother promised, at 3:25 (3:35) am on May 15, 2010, that she would absolutely become one with True Father, and he calls this the ‘secret final declaration’ statement. He is telling us that it was on the basis of Mother's promise to be aligned with Father, and to proceed united with Father, that he could offer the Era of Full Transcendence, Full Imminence, Full Authority and Omnipotence in which the Realm of Final Oneness between True Father and True Mother is perfectly completed and concluded. This is clear.
If, however, Mother does not keep her promise, in other words if she doesn't align herself with True Father going forward and instead takes the subject position herself and goes a different path, what would happen? What would happen to True Father's offering of the Era of Full Transcendence, Full Imminence, Full Authority and Omnipotence that completes and concludes the realm of final oneness with Mother? That which is offered to God in the name of the True Parents cannot fail. However, Mother, who abandoned that promise, would automatically have to leave that position.
Printed in Tongil Segye, October 2010 edition, September 3, 2010 'Meaning of the words of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind making the Proclamation of the True Parent's Substantial Word' (Cheon Jeong Gung)
During my entire life, I have been directly subject to all sorts of contempt and disdain and suffered it patiently, holding myself in place, but I do not have enough strength to last until 2013. As Chairman Moon, there is no path open to me in which I can go down underneath. Even if I wanted to, there is no path for me to turn around and go in the opposite direction, so I had to depart (start out) making a proclamation ceremony (NB: the Proclamation of Final Oneness made with Mother) that I had no choice but to depart from the path that I must go.
At this time, too, Hyung Jin is holding tightly on to his parent. Even if I tell him to let go of my hand, he holds tightly onto my hand and says "Aigo! Abba! Don't tell me to let go of your hand when I grab onto it. If I let go of this hand, I will die. ”it's all over for me." That's what he says, and that's the right way. I grab tightly on to his hand. "Hold on to me, and let's go!" That's what I tell him. We have to pass over 50 different hills. That's it, he's really humble. He doesn't try to put himself up, no matter where he goes.
So what is this 'Moon True Family that opens up Heaven', and 'The owner of lineage is the owner of peace'? It's the family, isn't it? Whose family is it then? The parents' family! On the foundation of the realm of Final Oneness in which Mother and I completely became one, under the declaration that (she) would submit herself, under that declaration everything now begins....
You too, when all of you are sitting down, you need to grab on to me and stand up. That's true for Mother, too. I am holding tight to help Mother by not letting go of her. She has to hold on tight to me. I'm telling her to hold on tight to me. I will not fall or stumble. If she holds on to me and believes in me until the end, then we can go together. The instant, the moment when that matter is decided, is the historical moment of destiny when everything will be decided, and this is the day of proclamation that God too has been waiting for. I proclaimed that day this morning.
(1) True Father is already explaining that, tragically, he would ascend to the spirit world before Foundation Day. He is explaining that he cannot last until 2013. He is explaining that he made the proclamation ceremony (the proclamation of True Parents). That is why he proclaimed the Final Oneness on the basis of Mother's promise. Mother had the responsibility to remain as True Father's absolute object until the very end. Accordingly, True Father is not responsible. Mother's responsibility remained to be fulfilled.
(2) True Father is explaining that he and Hyung Jin Nim would become one. He would be grabbing Hyung Jin Nim's hand and holding on to it. It is a promise that he would take charge and be the subject. He told Hyung Jin Nim to hold on to True Father until the very end. He said that Hyung Jin Nim resembled True Father.
(3) True Father emphasized this once again: that everything would begin on the foundation of the Realm of Final Oneness wherein Mother fulfills complete oneness with True Father. In other words, Mother would have to keep her promise with True Father without fail. He is explaining that Mother has to believe in True Father and hold tightly on to True Father until the very end. Why would he say such things? To my mind, he only said these things because there was some potential for Mother to not hold on to him and to leave him. What would happen if she failed to keep the proclamation that she would obey and unite with him? - They could not become one.
If you look at what Moon Hyung Jin has been saying in the United States, he is warning Mother not to leave True Father.
Printed in Tongil Segye, December 2011 edition, p. 5. October 10, 2011 (Heavenly Calendar) 'Day of Blessing, Day of Glory'
At that time, in particular Heavenly Father - before the God of Night and the God of Day are married, Chairman Moon has to have the third Marriage Ceremony of the True Parent. We couldn't yet have the marriage ceremony of the True Parent.
D-Day is the day when the third marriage ceremony for the True Parent takes place. The first one, the second one - we did up until the second one, and the third one is the final one. Because the king Hananim becomes the True Parent at that time, the God of Night and the God of Day.... From the perspective of standing independently and alone, the day of blessing which allows God to reign over all heaven and earth, that day is the D-Day which follows, the day of the wedding ceremony conducted in the name of the True Parent.
(Explanation) True Father is explaining that the third and final wedding of the True Parent remains to be completed. He said that the marriage ceremony of the True Parent had not been accomplished. That event would be the completion event that brings everything to accomplishment, wouldn't it? And if you flip that over, it means that completion/perfection has not yet taken place. On Foundation Day, did any such third marriage ceremony of True Parents take place? No, it didn't. The only thing that took place was the ascendancy of Chairwoman Han to the throne as Queen.
Selected Speeches Vol. 38, pp. 257-258 (Korean version), Speech at the Ui Jeong Bu District Tour Rally, 'The Path of Human Life'
Of all religions, which form of religion is the highest? Which one is better: a religion that calls God 'Lord' or a religion that calls God 'Father'? (A religion that calls God 'Father' is better.) There are many religions in the world, but we have to search for a religion that calls God 'Father' instead of one that calls God 'Lord'.
The question then is, of all the spiritual leaders in the world, is there anyone who is calling out to the world saying 'I am God's son. And of all God's sons, I am the only begotten son.' If there are lots of different sons, then that's not very desirable. But if there is one spiritual leader who asserts 'I am the one standing before God alone. There is no need for any only begotten daughter. I am the only begotten son, and I am the one who exclusively possesses all the love of God', then that spiritual leader would be the king of spiritual leaders.
(Explanation) True Father here is explaining that before God, there is only the only begotten son. He is saying that the only begotten son is the one who exclusively possess all of God's love. He is also saying that an only begotten daughter is unnecessary.
True Father did use the expression 'only begotten daughter' on some occasions, but when he did, it was in a sense that is completely different to the only begotten daughter theology now being pushed by the leadership of the Family Federation. The only begotten daughter that True Father refers to is the daughter who has the responsibility and role to give birth to sinless children by receiving the sperm of the only begotten son, who comes as the instrument and representative of Heaven. This shows clearly that the person who fulfills the position of True Mother – the one who must receive the Messiah's lineage – must pass through a process of purification and sanctification, but in the end, the only lineage without original sin is the lineage of the Messiah, the True Father.
The ‘only begotten daughter’ currently being preached by the Han Mother is an only begotten daughter who is the central figure of the providence and who has a position that is higher than the only begotten son. In other words, she is a female Messiah. This only begotten daughter clouds up and obscures the subject position of the True Father. This concept of the OBD contravenes the Principle. It is not the ‘only begotten daughter’ recognized by True Father. Mother is clearly someone from a fallen lineage who was chosen to pass through a severe and stringent purification process.
Accordingly, Mother Hak Ja Han’s position is one where she has to lift up and fully embrace the lineage of True Father. The actions of Mother Han - denying True Father's lineage, saying it is a lineage of original sin; promoting the Han lineage, asserting that the Han lineage is the actual purified lineage; negating True Father's lineage by chasing out his son and heir - these acts stand in direct opposition to True Father's will. They are acts that destroy the work of Principle.
March 6, 2000, True Father's Words recorded at the Hannam Dong International Training Center
"In the final days, the mother is the nexus of the problem. Because the mother fell, she is lost. That's why we are now entering the father-son era. The son can call the mother over and establish her, or the father can call the mother over and establish her. As of the present time, this still has not been restored. The son wasn't able to accomplish this with the mother, and the father wasn't able to accomplish this with the mother, and so at this time, we have to resolve this and escape the problem centering on fallen Eve. The era of mother-son cooperation has passed and now we are come to these times... In the era of mother-son cooperation, there has never been a nation. If we want to establish a nation, we must enter into the era of father-son cooperation.
If you look at the mother, her lineage is different. What remains of the lineage is the father-son relationship. Do you understand? Do you see? (Yes.) The mother is the field, the field. As long as there is some field to plant it in, the seed can bear as much fruit as it wants. That’s why lineage is connected through the father-son relationship.
The lineage was twisted and became wrong because of the fall. That fallen lineage is what must be negated. The era of mother-son cooperation that centered on the mother until now must now transition into the era of father-son cooperation. As a result of that transition, once the orthodox standard of the heavenly nation, the individual standard, the family standard, the clan, ethnic group and national standards are established, then everything will be completed....
For this reason, even if Mother is not here, I can always find and recover another mother. Do you understand what I am saying?
If the mother fails in her responsibility, as long as the son and the father are one, together, then there are plenty of mothers waiting in line, as many as they need. As long as Adam exists, then the mother Eve can be created, right? As long as Adam's son maintains the pure unfallen lineage, then the women can be recreated, however many is necessary. They can be recovered, and established, without any limit ... Do you understand what I'm saying, Kwak Cheong Hwan? (Yes.)”
(Explanation) True Father referred to Mother as fallen Eve. He explains here that in the final time, either the father or the son can give instructions and commands to the mother. These are words that the people of the Family Federation have completely failed to grasp and understand. So what will you do? Will you continue to deny Father's words?
Father warned us that in the final stage, Mother herself may become the problem. He is explaining that if Mother fails, he will create a new mother. Each of us needs to clearly understand what he is saying.
True Father is explaining that as long as Adam's son does not fall and maintains the pure lineage, the mother herself is unimportant. Father is explaining everything, as if he could look forward and clearly see the circumstances in which we currently find ourselves. Brothers and sisters of the Family Federation, you can no longer make excuses.
Thinking of Foundation Day, True Father gave a strong warning to Mother on January 19, 2012.
"Mother is going along a path with a destination different to Father's. When Mother does not listen to me and instead says 'Listen and obey my words', she becomes a being more fearful than Lucifer. Anyone who follows this kind of Mother is a goblin, a demon." This is what True Father said. After saying this, Father then conducted a ceremony in which he had Mother stand before him and lined up 4 individuals behind her - Seok Jun Ho, Yoon Jeong No, Hwang Seon Jo, and Kim Hyo Yuel - and then had all of them pledge absolute obedience to Father.
(Explanation) True Father told Mother that she could potentially become a being more fearful than Lucifer. So who is Lucifer? Lucifer is the one who became Satan, who caused the fall of the first human ancestors and brought Heaven's providence to ruin. How could True Father say such serious and severe words to Mother? Adam and Eve committed the fall in the pre-perfection stage, but if Mother falls from her position, she could possibly bring ruin to the providence of the True Parent. This is why his words are so severe. Isn't that exactly what he means when he says that she would become a bigger problem than Lucifer?

1 comment:

  1. In the latter half of the 1990's
    True Father sometimes reproached Hak Ja Han and often warned her, saying that she had to fulfill her responsibility. He also stated that if she failed her responsibility, she too could be replaced.


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