Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The True Identity of the Heavenly Parents

The True Identity of the 'Heavenly Parents'
Since True Father ascended to the spirit world, the Family Federation has been using a new expression: 'Heavenly Parents'. When I asked them about why they were using this expression 'heavenly parents' to refer to the one and only God, they said that True Father used the expression 'heavenly parents' a long time in the past. They say that they have video footage of it, as well.
Sure. That's true. True Father himself use the expression heavenly parents on a few occasions.
However, while the words 'heavenly parents' as used by True Father are externally the same as the expression used for the 'heavenly parents' attended by the Family Federation, the contents of the two expressions are completely different.
True Father did not split Hananim (God) into Father God and Mother God. The expression 'heavenly parents' as used by the Family Federation means that both a heavenly father and heavenly mother exist. In other words, there is a male god and a female god, that is, two gods.
The 'heavenly parents' that True Father speaks of does not refer to a dual-god system. Rather, it means that when True Parents go to the spirit world and attend the invisible Creator God there, they will manifest the invisible God through their visible external form, and that’s why they are the heavenly parents. God, being invisible, is also invisible in the spirit world. Father himself explained that God appears as light in the spirit world.
The Creator Hananim exists as the subject being comprised of harmonized masculine and feminine dual attributes. God is only one, one being. When manifested as substantial objects, God's dual attributes appear as visible men and women. That's how True Parents come to exist as the visible form of God.
Accordingly, True Father explained that when True Parents go to spirit world, they will be the representative bodies of God. As his external form, they will reign over Heaven and Earth and this is why he referred to them as the heavenly parents. In other words, True Parents exist as the external representative bodies that manifest the masculine and feminine attributes of the one and only God, Hananim. It doesn't mean that the creator God exists as a male God and a female God.
You cannot split Hananim up into two gods. We see that kind of logic appear in pagan religions. And when the Family Federation talk about the 'heavenly parents', they are excluding the one and only Creator God Hananim, who exists as the center of the Universe. They are saying that there is both a male God and a female God.
Personally, I think that Mother Hak Ja Han's corrupted desire to become God herself is what lies behind that claim. However, when God is excluded, Satan automatically comes to invade that place. In this sense, we can see that the Family Federation has chased out the one true God. By establishing this dual god system in his place, they have become a religion that serves a pagan god.
But let's imagine for a moment that the Creator Hananim exists as the heavenly father and heavenly mother, just as the Family Federation says. This whole idea creates a very serious problem.
If God existed as a male God and a female God, the two of them would be able to become one through loving each other. If the male God and female God were to love each other, they could achieve complete love together. Such an idea establishes the logic that God could be intoxicated by complete love all by his/herself. That love would be an eternal, unchanging absolute, unique love. In that case, why would God, who already enjoyed the perfect love, create human beings?
In the Principle, it explains the motivation for the creation. It shows that God, Hana Nim, created human beings as his object of love because he needed to experience love himself. No matter how omnipotent, all-knowing or perfect God is, he cannot experience love alone. Love itself is not something that can be experienced alone. Accordingly, the Principle explains, God created human beings as an object of his love. Over and over again, True Father explained to us how love is something that is experienced through one's object.
However, if God exists as a male God and a female God, as per the Family Federation logic, then there would be no need for God to go ahead and create humanity because God could already experience the perfect love by him/herself. Moreover, there would be no need for God to go to such pains to rescue fallen humankind. It would be possible for God to not love humankind at all. There would be no need for God to become one with humankind in love.
Hananim is the one and only God, and is a masculine subjective being. Humanity is God's object. In the beginning, God created human beings from the heart of experiencing love. In the Bible, it explains that the Lord is love and that you are his Bride. This is why the Messiah comes as a male. There is no such thing as a female messiah.
A female messiah can probably be found in Hollywood movies. They don't know the Bible and they don't know the Principle, so even though it is a lie, they think "Maybe? Possibly?" In ancient times, the Israelites who followed Moses into the wilderness also separated themselves from God and worshiped the golden calf. They fell in the wilderness and became food for the vultures. Not knowing is not an excuse.
In Sanctuary, we say that True Father is the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. True Father is the one who comes as the absolute subject of True Parents. Accordingly, an absolute subject can choose his object. Accordingly, when we say 'True Parents', we say it in the context that True Father is the center.
Moreover, when we talk about the ‘object role’ as a part of True Parents, we are talking about the role of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. When True Father was conducting the providence, the reality is that he did not consult with True Mother, nor did he seek her cooperation. All things were decided by and carried out by True Father himself in accordance with God's will. True Mother's task and role was simply to follow True Father by practicing absolute obedience. Accordingly, even by himself, True Father stands as the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
In the ‘True Parent’s Declaration’ as well, he signed as Sun Myung Moon (seal).
Mother's signature was not required. By True Father's single signature, everything was complete.

1 comment:

  1. You cannot split Hananim up into two gods. We see that kind of logic appear in pagan religions. And when the Family Federation talk about the 'heavenly parents', they are excluding the one and only Creator God Hananim, who exists as the center of the Universe. They are saying that there is both a male God and a female God.
    Personally, I think that Mother Hak Ja Han's corrupted desire to become God herself is what lies behind that claim. However, when God is excluded, Satan automatically comes to invade that place. In this sense, we can see that the Family Federation has chased out the one true God. By establishing this dual god system in his place, they have become a religion that serves a pagan god.


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