Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Meaning of Only Begotten Daughter

The Meaning of 'Only Begotten Daughter'
Conversation between Mother and Moon Hyung Jin in the second half of 2012, after True Father's ascension to the spirit world.
Mother, to Hyung Jin Nim: "Who do you think that I am?" "You are True Mother." "No! I am the female Messiah, I am Mother God. If you recognize this, I will pass everything on to you." When Mother said this to him, Hyung Jin Nim replied "Mother, you mustn't do this. You have to follow what True Father said" as he clasped on to Mother's legs pleading. Mother did not listen.
After that, the Han Mother elevated herself as Queen through the events of Foundation Day, and asserted that, because her family had three generations of only daughters, her family was more righteous and had progressed further in God’s will than True Father had at the time he began his course (when he received Heaven's calling at age 16). According to reports, Mother said “as God's wife, I do not need to bow before God, and my position as Only Begotten Daughter is not because I am True Father's wife, but because I am God's wife.”
Declaring herself as the only begotten daughter, she went on to proclaim herself as the woman messiah and eventually as Mother God. Finally, she declared that there is no need for her to bow before God. The Han Mother proclaimed that she would not offer any bows to God.
Who is it that recognizes God's existence but nonetheless refuses to bow before God? There is only one being in the whole world who refuses to bow before the Creator, God. All created beings should rightly bow before the Creator.
Take a look at what has happened in the Family Federation that serves and attends the Only Begotten Daughter since True Father's ascension.
The representative body and heir has been expelled, The victorious Cain and Abel have been rejected, the Eight Great Textbooks that True Father designated as his final will and testament have been set aside and in their place the 3 Great Scriptures that include quotations from Hak Ja Han have been published. Father's words have been deleted and changed, the holy marriage vows have been changed, the Family Pledge has been changed and the Cheon Il Guk Anthem has been replaced. True Father's lineage has been denied and selection of leadership is to be legislated through the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council. The three generation kingships of Father’s family have been denied, the positions of subject and object in the 4-position foundation have been reversed and the video footage of True Father's final prayer has been faked. True Father's throne has been usurped, church assets and holy grounds have been sold off, and the global providential works accomplished by True Father have been terminated, etc....
Brothers and sisters, do you think that there are no problems, just because a portrait of True Parents standing close to each other is still hung in the church hall? Are things OK like this? Has nothing changed?
Do you think that because the Realm of the Final Oneness of True Parents was completed and concluded they are eternally and forever one? It's a foolish way of thinking.
Don't you understand what 'eternally one' means? It means that some things or some people are eternally undivided. It means that their will and purpose are one, forever, until the end. If they do not go all the way to the end together, then they are not one.
You say that Hak Ja Han is the perfected Eve? She is not perfected. What is perfection? Perfection means complete and without flaw. If something changes, then it's not perfection. Even if it is perfection, if something later changes, then from that point on, it's not perfection. It's a failure. Only someone who doesn't understand how our language (Korean) works can make the assertion that Hak Ja Han is perfected. It distorts the meaning.
You say she cannot fall because she is the perfected Eve? Seriously, you have got to be kidding! The wrongdoing, the problems, have become evident, backed up with all the evidence, and yet for some reason you still cannot distinguish between your own personal beliefs and the facts that have come to light? Should belief take priority over facts? Belief is nothing more than a subjective foundation directed towards as-yet unknown facts. But facts themselves are the objective, substantial reality.
And reality is just one thing, not two.
The Family Federation asserts that True Father himself used the expression 'only begotten daughter'. That's true. True Father did refer to True Mother with the expression ‘only begotten daughter’, but the meaning Father gives to the expression is completely different to Hak Ja Han’s. That’s just a plain fact.
The 'only begotten daughter' spoken of by True Father refers to the person who is wedded to the only begotten son – the one who comes with Heaven's lineage - and who receives the only begotten son’s lineage to give birth to true children. In other words, the only begotten daughter is a sanctified woman who has been chosen by the Messiah. She stands in the position of bride, representing all humankind. When True Father spoke of the only begotten daughter, he was referring to True Mother standing in that position.
However, the ‘only begotten daughter’ concept being pushed by the Han Mother is 'woman messiah'. Not only that, she goes one step further. She asserts that, as a messiah superior to True Father, this OBD woman is the woman messiah longed for and waited for by God for 6000 years, and at the same time is God herself. But this assertion stands in direct opposition to True Father's teaching.
The only person who comes as God's substantial body is the True Father himself. That is, a male who comes with the lineage of Heaven. 'True Mother' refers to a vessel, the instrument which receives the lineage of Heaven to produce Heaven's children. This is why Father said that the Messiah is the bridegroom and humanity is the bride. True Father's ascension to the spirit world does not mean that all of a sudden Mother came to have the lineage of God and became the Messiah. Her lineage doesn't change. The person who inherits the mission of the Messiah is his child, who is connected directly to the Messiah's lineage.
Mother is of the Han lineage, not of the Heavenly lineage. She is someone who was chosen by True Father to represent the Earth and go through purification.
Where, then, is the foundation for Mother Hak Ja Han to be the 'Messianic Only Begotten Daughter'? Is the only begotten daughter decided by having three generations of only daughters and then having some unknown monk show up and impart a blessing? Is there any basis in the Bible or the Divine Principle to suggest that Hak Ja Han was anointed as the Messiah? What did Hak Ja Han do all those years she spent with True Father?
Who is the one who always left Hoon Dok Hwe first? Was it the members? No, I’m afraid not. It was always Mother.. She didn’t study the Bible or the Divine Principle. She didn’t attend any of the church trainings. I personally have never seen her offer a prayer representing the congregation.
Did she pour out years of prayer life to uncover the Truth? Did she discover the Truth herself? Was she ever the object of oppression by the Satanic world like True Father was, such that she ended up in prison? Did she ever receive world-level persecution and opposition from the Satanic world? Was she ever victorious over it? I mean, I would really like to ask someone what she actually did all those years.
If you are the Messiah's wife, does that mean that you yourself are the Messiah? No. That’s a preposterous kind of logic. When a man is the President, is his wife also the President? If the husband is a CEO, does that make the wife the CEO as well? Of course, when she accompanies her husband, she receives the same treatment as her husband. But that's only because she is his wife. As the wife of the Messiah, Hak Ja Han was likewise loved and revered. Because of her husband....
But is it reasonable in any way to then say that when the Messiah passes to the spirit world, his wife should then go ahead and behave as if she were the Messiah? On top of all this, she reportedly says that she herself is God, and that God and True Father are all included and somehow contained inside the Han Mother. To be honest, it’s a joke.
Where does it say in the Wolli Kangnon that Hak Ja Han came as the only begotten daughter and the messiah? Where can we find the Principle that says that True Father's lineage is a fallen lineage and that the Han lineage is a purified, sanctified lineage?
Where does the Principle say that when Hak Ja Han marries God, she actually becomes God?
Where in the Wolli Kangnon can we find the principle that proclaims God’s (Hana Nim’s) title as 'Heavenly Parents'?
Where on earth in the teaching of the Trinity can we find the Principle that Adam stands in the object position and Eve stands in the subject position?
The Family Federation says that if Hyung Jin Nim simply continued to attend Mother, he would automatically become the successor, and that because he couldn't wait, he jumped ship and became unfilial to Mother. This is truly foolish reasoning.
Then what would have happened if Moon Hyung Jin did as the Family Federation leaders said he should have and simply kept his mouth shut and offered ‘absolute obedience’ to Mother, even if he didn't like the things that she was doing after True Father's ascension? Let's think about this seriously for a moment.
Mother would have become the ‘Only Begotten Daughter’, the woman messiah, God, without any opposition, right? Because Moon Hyung Jin was the World President, he naturally would have to lead the way in announcing this theory, offering unlimited glory to Mother. He would have had to educate brothers and sisters that True Father's lineage started out as a fallen lineage and that although Father was later chosen as the Messiah, Mother herself was born from a pure, unfallen lineage and that the 6000 years of the restoration providence was, in fact, the history of searching for Mother.
Moreover, he would have had to take the lead in the work of changing the Eight Great Textbooks left by True Father as his final will and testament and, by his own hand, he would have had to destroy all the traditions and practices established by True Father (Cheon Il Guk Anthem, Family Pledge, the underlying principles of the Blessing, the Holy Marriage vows, the Cheon Il Guk constitution, etc.).
And then there’s one other thing. Attending Mother, he would have had to maintain a good cooperative relationship with the church officials who surrounded her. He would have had to distribute to those officials, fully and plentifully, massive amounts of money taken from the donations and funds offered through the tears, sweat and blood of Japanese members. Why? He would have had to display a lot more ‘big-player’ power than Mother, just to keep them on his side, so that they wouldn’t start thinking about ‘other things’.
For what purpose? For what reason? Why would he have to do all this? At some point, three years later, or maybe when Mother went to the spirit world, or if she just became incapacitated with age, he would have to be ready. As long as he just shut his eyes for a while, he would have eventually emerged as ‘the Successor’, holding all the power, wielding all control over all the authority, riches and organization of the Unification family. He would have stood in front of the Unification believers as the absolute ruler.
But then, after Mother passed to the spirit world, do you think he could simply abolish Mother's theology and republish the Cheon Seong Gyeong? Republish the Eight Great Textbooks? Could he then recover and restore the Cheon Il Guk Anthem, the Family Pledge and the qualifications for the Blessing, including the Holy Marriage vows? Could he announce that he was revising the Cheon Il Guk constitution?
Brothers and sisters of the Family Federation, is this what you wanted him to do? Are you suggesting that he first betrays True Father, who went to the spirit world first, and then after Mother goes to the spirit world, he then betrays her? Is that the reason why you are condemning Hyung Jin Nim for not standing by Mother and leaving her side?
Should he have simply embraced Mother's heart and mind and taken the lead in carrying out euthanasia on True Father? Mother was furious with Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim when they opposed euthanasia for True Father. The church executives, however, supported euthanasia and when True Father was on his sickbed, they told the representative body and heir that he must euthanize Father in accordance with Mother's desire.
How do you think that Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim should have acted at that time? If you are going to blame Moon Hyung Jin for the current struggle facing us, then you have to answer this question.
True Father never ever took a path that was not in alignment with strict dictates of the Principle. Even when faced with prison, if he had chosen to deny himself or compromise even the tiniest bit with the Satanic forces, he could have avoided that suffering path. Nonetheless, he refused absolutely to say even one word that contradicted the Principle, and because of this, he was tortured in prison. He vomited up blood and drifted back and forth across the border between life and death, but overcame in dignity and honor and was victorious over prison six times.
This is the way of the truth. This is the way where it is impossible to deny one's own mission even when faced with death, regardless of the sacrifice involved. The providence cannot be sacrificed or desecrated simply in order to extend the term of one's own life.
Moon Hyung Jin is walking the path of the representative body and heir in accordance with the proclamation of the True Parent. He went into the wilderness in order to preserve the providence and the three generations of kingship, even though it meant leaving Cheon Jeong Gung and becoming destitute. Even though it meant losing all power, money and the position of receiving glory.
The crown that he wears in the icy cold wilderness is different to the crown that worn in Cheon Jeong Gung amidst the applause of church officials and courtiers. It is a crown of thorns, worn with suffering and han (wretched, rejected heart), amidst ridicule and sneering from the world.
Do you seriously think he chose this path out of a desire to receive honor and worldly glory? Do you think he didn’t realize that wearing this crown meant he would receive crossfire and persecution from the Family Federation?
The thing is, he had no real choice. No matter how bitter the cup, even though it be a cup filled with poison, he could not avoid drinking it. Why? For the sake of his own glory? No. He had to accept his path because he is responsible to preserve the will of the King of Kings. He had to accept the path of the providence. He could not avoid the path of the providence merely in order to preserve his own well-being.
Because True Father bequeathed the Eight Great Textbooks to Hyung Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim has the mission to preserve and protect those words. He cannot allow the amendment, deletion or addition of even one single word.
Do you think that Hyung Jin Nim would enjoy criticizing his own mother, the woman who gave birth to him? Would he feel happy about chastising her as a fallen Eve? Do you think he does this simply because he wants to release the pent-up anger he feels? No, he has to put the path of God’s Will ahead of his personal feelings and any sense of emotional connection he feels between mother and son. That's what it means to be the representative body and heir. He has to do that even just to qualify.
When Jesus himself was confronted with his mother, Mary, who had forgotten God's will and approached him in that way, he rebuked her, saying "Woman, what have I to do with thee?"
Hyung Jin Nim actually loves his mother more than anyone else. He is the youngest son, and he always received a more generous amount of love from his mother. But now he is in a providential position; he cannot frustrate or go against providence simply because of his personal feelings. One wonders if, when you criticize him, you understand the heartistic burden he has been forced to carry.
Do you think he doesn't love Mother? No, it's because he loves her that he has to do this. Because his mother left her original position, and because he is responsible for to save her, this is why he is raising such a ruckus. This is why he is calling her back to True Father.

1 comment:

  1. Brothers and sisters, do you think that there are no problems, just because a portrait of True Parents standing close to each other is still hung in the church hall? Are things OK like this? Has nothing changed?
    Do you think that because the Realm of the Final Oneness of True Parents was completed and concluded they are eternally and forever one? It's a foolish way of thinking.


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