Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Responsibility of Hak Ja Han

The Responsibility of Hak Ja Han
The mission of the True Mother is to receive the seed of the True Father and give birth to his children, because the True Father is the one who comes with God's lineage. In addition, the True Mother attends the True Father and in obedience to him, fulfills the responsibility of the object. In this mission, Hak Ja Han clearly gained the victory.
But the True Mother also has another critical mission. That mission is to protect and uphold the lineage of the True Father, and unfortunately, this is where the problem occurs.
After True Father ascended to the spirit world, when Foundation Day was celebrated, it should have been celebrated centering on Moon Hyung Jin's couple. Moon Hyung Jin is the person who was blessed by the Messiah as his representative body and heir. He is the person who was anointed as True Father's actual successor through no less than three separate coronation ceremonies.
Mother had to put Moon Hyung Jin in the foreground. She had to help him and protect him, so that he could wear the crown. However, when Foundation Day took place, Mother pushed him aside. She expelled True Father's successor and instead she appeared before everyone wearing the crown herself. She raised herself up and made herself the central figure of Foundation Day.
On that day, she should have glorified and praised the King of Kings, but instead she proclaimed herself as the Queen and Hak Ja Han became the queen of Cheon Il Guk. She denied, then kicked out True Father's successor, the actual successor to God's lineage, and from that point on, she began to assert that the Han lineage was the lineage of purity, that she herself is the Only Begotten Daughter, that she is in fact the Messiah and even God. Tragically, then, Hak Ja Han failed in her mission to lift up and firmly establish True Father's representative body and heir, who is the successor to his lineage.
Nonetheless, unable to accept the reality of her actions, many members ask: “Sure. Maybe. But how is it possible for the True Mother to fail?”
But think about it. How did Eve, created by God, come to fall? How was it possible for an original, created human without any fallen nature, to fall? Hananim told her and Adam not to fall.
Nonetheless, she herself chose that path. She left God's will and God's word of her own accord. This is because of the human portion of responsibility, something even God cannot interfere with. Through her own volition, Eve left the position of God's daughter and chose the path of the Fall. Because of an ambition to rise up and be like God, she chose the path that led to the Fall. Likewise, out of a desire to become the 'Only begotten daughter', the Messiah and God, the Han Mother cast aside God’s word and will, True Father's word and will, and stepped away from her portion of responsibility.
Brothers and sisters bring up many doubts about these facts. They respond by saying that if Mother failed, it means that True Father, who is the True Parent, also failed. But that is not so. Not at all. Her failure is not True Father's. Moreover, Mother’s failure is not the failure of True Parents. It is simply Hak Ja Han choosing to step away from the position of the victorious True Parent and refusing the place of the perfected object.
The cause of Mother's failure is that she refused to submit and surrender the lineage of Han, a fallen lineage, to the lineage of True Father, and instead sought to dominate his lineage. No matter how much someone stands in the True Mother position, from the viewpoint of lineage, she has to serve the lineage of the True Father. While Mother was complete as the True Mother, her lineage is still not the lineage of True Father. Her lineage is the Han lineage. Moreover, the lineage of the children is not Mother's lineage but is, in fact, the lineage of God. Mother failed in her mission to uplift and protect True Father's lineage, that is, the lineage of God.
Let's take a look at True Father's teachings.
"Currently, when you receive the blessing, you offer your responses to the 4 blessing vows, don't you? We are established in our positions by Heaven, but when we do not fill our responsibility, who takes responsibility for that? You take that responsibility yourself. In that way, the position is maintained and left remaining. At that time, Satan cannot invade. This is why you have to offer your pledge. At those times, all the families raise their hands and swear an oath.
Mother, too, had to raise her hands and swear an oath to Father when started out.
When the forty day flood had finished in Noah's time and Noah came down from the ark, if he had had his wife and his children each individually vow when they started out, then even if Ham failed, it would simply have resulted in Ham failing, and the providence of Noah's ark itself would not have collapsed.” (Guide for practical life principles in the era of Cheon Il Guk)
In the same way, as long as Mother starts out on the path of True Mother by offering a vow, if she fails in her responsibility, the responsibility for that failure goes back to her, and the providence itself does not fail.
One thing we need to remember is that the expression ‘True Parents’ does not refer to the individuals Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han themselves. Rather, 'True Parents' refers to a position established within God's ideal of creation prior to the creation itself. Adam was meant to rise to the position of True Parent, and Jesus likewise meant to rise to the position of True Parent. However, both the first Adam and the second Adam were unable to rise to the True Parent position and the providences were unsuccessful.
In contrast, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han were able to victoriously complete and offer the position of True Parents. Accordingly, even if Hak Ja Han leaves her place, the position of True Parents, which has already been completed and offered, does not disappear but remains.
Another example: after we ourselves receive the blessing, if one member of the couple fails to maintain the position of blessed family and goes his or her own way, the position of the blessed family does not disappear. If a couple receives the 6000 couple blessing and then the wife leaves the providence and divorces her husband, that 6000 couple family itself does not simply evaporate. If the husband who remains receives a re-blessing, then the person in the position of wife is merely changed, and the family itself continues to be recognized as a 6000 couple blessed family. This is how it is for Mother's position. Why? Because the blessing is a positional blessing.
True Father himself is in the position of True Parent. Currently, at this time, the position of True Mother is vacant. If Lee Yeon Ah restores Mother's mistake through indemnity, then the True Parents will have been completely victorious. But this is not to say that Lee Yeon Ah becomes the wife of True Father. Rather, it means that the position of True Parent is victoriously established. In this manner, the providence of the True Parents will be completely and perfectly completed. Likewise, the way for Cheon Il Guk to be accomplished is open.
Due to True Mother's failure, however, the world will have to pay indemnity. Because True Mother is not simply a personal, individual position but is in fact a position representing the cosmos, the failure of True Mother is a failure on the cosmic level. For this reason, there is no way to avoid world-level indemnity. Nonetheless, because Cain and Abel were united and the substantial foundation was successfully established, Cheon Il Guk will be realized without fail.
It has been reported that while True Father was still on the earth, Hak Ja Han offered a ceremony
under the guidance and direction of Kim Hyo Nam in which she was married to a being referred to as 'God'. If Hak Ja Han was married to this being ‘God’ without True Father's knowledge, could that being truly be God, Hananim? The fact is, it was the Archangel, the same one who tempted human beings in an effort to raise himself to the position of God.
Following this event, Hak Ja Han reportedly began referring to herself as 'the wife of God'. Moreover, the Foundation Day conducted in 2013 was held under the authority and dominion of this being, this new 'heavenly parents'. Brothers and sisters drank the foundation day holy wine consecrated by this being, and received a new blessing. But that 'holy wine' was not holy wine sanctioned by True Father. The fact is that this blessing ceremony and holy wine were administered under the authority of a two god system, the being referred to as the 'heavenly parents'. Tragically, as a result of this Foundation Day blessing, all the members of the Unification family separated from True Father and came once again to rest under the realm of the dominion of the Archangel. This is the unfortunate truth: that something that absolutely never ever should have happened actually happened. The blessed families fell under the dominion of the fallen Archangel once again.
This is the reason that Moon Hyung Jin has been talking about the ”Blessing to return to the realm of True Father's authority". He is carrying out a providence to rescue and recover the members of the unification family who were stolen from God's side through this false holy wine. This is done by having them drink, once again, True Father's holy wine and re-receiving his blessing. And regardless of how much members of the Unification family say they believe in True Father, as long as they have drunk this false holy wine, received the false blessing and pray and bow to 'heavenly parents', any and all of them remain under the dominion of the Archangel and stand in a position of having betrayed True Father. That position is one which unavoidably will receive God’s judgment. You are free not to believe me, but the responsibility is something you cannot avoid.
If Hak Ja Han is, in fact, the Messiah and God, and if True Father's lineage is, in fact, the fallen lineage, then don't just force us to believe it; you have to explain it according to the Principle. Saying that one has to believe unconditionally because she is the perfected True Mother – this is nothing more than misconceived blind faith.
I heard that recently the Family Federation churches have been holding Only Begotten Daughter lectures. The teaching of the Only Begotten Daughter Messiah is false. You don't even need to listen to the lectures to know that it’s false. How can you know? Because it reverses the cause-effect relationship.
The 'Messianic Only Begotten Daughter' is something that Hak Ja Han began promoting directly after True Father passed to the spirit world. Once ‘President’ Hak Ja Han first declared herself as the only begotten daughter, fallen theologians stepped in and undertook the task of developing a theory to support that assertion. The conclusion was stated first, then a theory proving the conclusion was developed afterwards. This is the wrong kind of approach, plain and simple.
In other words, it’s not as if a theory or perspective was developed that led naturally to the conclusion of ‘the Messianic Only Begotten Daughter’. Instead, after the presumption of the Messianic Only Begotten Daughter was first established, these pseudo theologians were brought together to concoct a theory that could upheld or support the conclusion. The order of the process has been flipped on its head.
Why is Communist theory incorrect and false? Because first of all violent proletariat revolution is postulated and then the theory was developed in order to justify that violent revolution. In other words, the theory was developed with an objective already in mind. That's a reverse of sequence. It’s back before front. That's why it is false.
Going over and above True Father to violate the Principle – this is not acceptable behavior, even if it’s Hak Ja Han doing it.
Do not forget the Principle. The master and owner of the Principle is True Father.

1 comment:

  1. Let's take a look at True Father's teachings.
    "Currently, when you receive the blessing, you offer your responses to the 4 blessing vows, don't you? We are established in our positions by Heaven, but when we do not fill our responsibility, who takes responsibility for that? You take that responsibility yourself. In that way, the position is maintained and left remaining. At that time, Satan cannot invade. This is why you have to offer your pledge. At those times, all the families raise their hands and swear an oath.
    Mother, too, had to raise her hands and swear an oath to Father when started out.


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