Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Realm of True Parents

Proclamation of the Perfect Completion of the Realm of True Parents'
Final Oneness
The Family Federation asserts that Mother cannot fail because True Parents were perfected. Accordingly, they assert, denying Mother is tantamount to denying True Parents and denying True Father's providence. Moreover, they say that because True Father prayed 'all is completed, all is completed' in his final prayer, when Sanctuary members deny that all is completed, they are in effect denying True Father.
The Family Federation says that Sanctuary brothers and sisters who make these claims are part of an unprincipled group and they (the Federation) condemn Hyung Jin Nim as an unfilial son and a failure who undermines True Mother’s authority and dignity. Because of this, even though Family Federation members won’t actually deny that the Family Federation is doing many problematic things,
they conclude that it would not be of any help to follow a group that denies True Parents. Considering how critical all these issues are, it is important that we resolve them by zeroing in on True Father's Will and purpose.
Let's take a look at True Father's teachings.
May the fifteenth, 2010, according to the Heavenly Calendar... this day is an important day. It concerns is a secret, final declaration signed by Mother and I together at 25 minutes past 3 o’clock in the morning, before breakfast. This is something even the God of Night and the God of Day don't know about. So what is this 35 minutes past 3 o’clock thing, made before breakfast on May the fifteenth, 2010? This is the time that, centering on every thing that has happened so far, Mother and I secretly made a promise concerning Korea and the direction of things to come; it is the time when Mother promised that she would unite with me without fail and go ahead on that basis. Before this, Mother never said that she would go ahead becoming one with the Parent. She couldn't publicly proclaim that before God and the Earth and the world. This event, the one that took place at 25 minutes past three, at 25 minutes past 3 o'clock in the morning on May 15, 2010, Heavenly Calendar, is when Mother and Father promised this centering on God prior to the final end of the fallen world. "Aha. As we greet the era of the completion, conclusion and finalization of the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament eras, I declare this by offering the era of the entire whole, the entire range, of the entire (complete) authority and entire ability (omnipotence) that perfects and completes the realm of final oneness between True Father and True Mother!"
(Printed in Tongil Segye 2010 July edition, July 1, 2010 (solar) 'God's ancestral homeland is Korea')
If we look at the words of Father above, Father is explaining that Mother promised, at 3:25 (3:35) am on May 15, 2010, that she would absolutely become one with True Father, and he calls this the secret ‘final declaration’ document. He is telling us that True Father and True Mother dedicated the era of the entire whole, the entire range, of the entire (complete) authority and entire ability (omnipotence) that perfects, completes the realm of final oneness on the basis of Mother promising to be aligned with Father, to proceed united with Father without fail. This is clear. However, if Mother does not keep her promise to be aligned with Father, in other words if she doesn't align herself with True Father going forward and takes the subject position herself and goes a different path, what would happen?
What would happen to True Father's offering of the Era of Full Transcendence, Full Imminence, Full Authority and Omnipotence in which the realm of final oneness with Mother has been perfectly completed and concluded?
It cannot be canceled or revoked. Even if, for some reason, Mother fails to keep her promise, True Father cannot deny something that he has offered to Heaven. What happens, however, is that Mother would fail in her portion of responsibility. In other words, the realm of the final oneness of True Parents has already been offered, but Mother is unable to stand in the position of True Parent. This is because she left the position of True Mother by her own volition after the offering had been made.
What is the meaning of 'True Parents'? True Parents refers not to fallen parents but to the unfallen true parents, the original ancestors of humankind that God intended to establish from the beginning. Thus, True Parents only appear through the true children. If no true children are born, then a person cannot become the True Parents. True children were born to the family of True Parents. Accordingly, the ideal of true parents that God envisioned for this earth in the beginning was realized in the physical world by the couple of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han. By giving birth to original true children of a pure lineage that is free from fallen nature, this is how True Parents come into being. The members of the Unification family attended Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han as True Parents and were engrafted into their lineage. Even though we were born with fallen nature due to original sin, we were able to remove the original sin and become blessed families separated from Satan by denying our physical parents and devoting ourselves to attend Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han as True Parents, then drinking the holy wine and receiving the Blessing.
Look at True Parents' family. Sun Myung Moon, who came to earth with Heaven's lineage and accomplished the perfection of personality, took the young Hak Ja Han, whom heaven had prepared, as his bride and accomplished the holy marriage. After a severe and harsh 7-year period for the perfection of Eve, finally a true couple were established on the earth. Moreover, by giving birth to children, they became true parents.
Unfortunately, not all of the true children were able to complete perfection of character in following with True Parents will, but the 7th son, Moon Hyung Jin, preserved an absolute standard and was successful in his portion of responsibility to accomplish perfection of character, and after joining in holy marriage, was able to complete his family. Moon Hyung Jin was appointed to the position of World President by True Father. He brought new hope to the Unification family and was an object of respect and faith from the Unification community. Following this, he was blessed by True Parents as the representative body and heir.
Moon Kook Jin Nim was appointed to the role of the Tongil group CEO by True Father, after which he stamped out all the dysfunctional business practices of the Unification family and perfected the foundation for financial independence. In addition, Moon Kook Jin Nim and Moon Hyung Jin Nim received True Father's blessing as the victorious Cain and Abel, thereby completely restoring the failure of Adam's family within the True Family, with the result that the lineage of the King of Kings is connected to future generations through the representative body and heir.
When True Father said 'it is all completed' in his final prayer, it does not mean that the providence was perfected and completed, but rather that the purpose of the second coming of the Messiah was fully completed because the foundation for Heaven's will to be accomplished through his lineage had been accomplished.
One thing that we have to be aware of is that even though True Parents offered the Realm of the Final Oneness of True Parents to God on May 15, 2010 on the basis of Mother's promise to Father, this was only possible because the providence that could not be accomplished through Adam's family had been achieved and perfected.
Firstly, establishment of the three kingships through three successive generations in his own lineage, through Moon Sun Myung, Moon Hyung Jin and Moon Shin Joon; Secondly, perfection of the foundation on which the Will definitely be accomplished by establishing a victorious Cain and Abel; In this way, True Father completed the mission of the Messiah by restoring all the failures in Adam's family.
Section from the text of True Father's final prayer
"Today, I performed the final completion and finalization and offered this to you, my Father. Now, we are able to return to the original Garden of Eden in which no Fall has taken place, where we are now able to transcend all the circumstances where Eve was corrupted and Adam became compromised by his portion of responsibility. With the authority of the liberation and release of all things, everything will be complete as long as someone simply follows after the parents. Everything is completed".

In my view, this is the final time that True Father made a prayer of victory.
In other words, by True Parents giving birth to 14 children in their family, the lineage of Heaven has been settled on the Earth. In addition, the three kingships of Heaven's lineage has been established through Moon Hyung Jin, who received True Parents lineage and accomplished perfection of character by maintaining the absolute standard, and Shin Joon Nim, chosen as the third king by True Father.
In other words, the lineage of God has completely been settled and firmly established on the earth. Moreover, by Cain - Moon Kook Jin Nim - maintaining absolute love and obedience to Abel - Moon Hyung Jin - the two of them became the victorious Cain and Abel.
The failure of Adam's family has been completely restored. The purpose and will of True Parents was completed.
In this way, True Parents were victorious.

1 comment:

  1. Look at True Parents' family. Sun Myung Moon, who came to earth with Heaven's lineage and accomplished the perfection of personality, took the young Hak Ja Han, whom heaven had prepared, as his bride and accomplished the holy marriage. After a severe and harsh 7-year period for the perfection of Eve, finally a true couple were established on the earth. Moreover, by giving birth to children, they became true parents.


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