Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Meaning of ‘True Parents

The Meaning of ‘True Parents’
The expression 'True Parent' does not refer to a particular individual human being. 'True Parent' refers to a specific, original position within God's ideal of creation, and that ideal could have been completed through the True Parent. However, due to the fall of the first human ancestors, the ideal of the True Parent was not realized, and the providence of restoration was begun in order to recover and establish that position.
Unfortunately, due to human faithlessness, when Jesus came on the foundation of 4000 years of providence, he was unable to find his bride and he departed, leaving behind the promise to return once again. He was unable to accomplish the ideal of the True Parent.
After 2000 years passed, Sun Myung Moon came to Earth as the returning lord and as the True Parent. He chose the young Hak Ja Han and victoriously established the 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb', so that through the two of them, finally, for the first time in the fallen world, true children of God's lineage could be born. That marks the point that ‘True Parents’ first emerged on the Earth in all of human history.
Accordingly, it thus became possible for fallen people to receive salvation by believing in the True Parents, by being engrafted into them, and by participating in a ceremony for rebirth. This is why fallen human beings must attend the True Parents as their absolute subject. They must practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards the True Parents.
But there is more to it than this. Within True Parents themselves, there is a subject and object. The In front of True Father, True Mother is in the position of object. True Mother must practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards True Father. Because she is the True Mother, she must model that position of absolute object for all members, and to an extent greater than all members.
True Mother gave birth to 14 true children by receiving True Father's seed, which carries the lineage of God. This is Mother's first mission, and being victorious in this mission made it possible for her to rise to the position of True Parents.
Her second mission is to attend and protect the lineage of God. Although the true children are True Mother's children, from the viewpoint of lineage, they are True Father's lineage. That is clear. In other words, they were born carrying the lineage of Heaven. True Mother is the true children's mother, but from the viewpoint of lineage, her lineage is the Han lineage. This is an indisputable fact: that Hak Ja Han was in the position of True Mother, but from the viewpoint of lineage, she is not of Heaven's lineage. Putting 'True' before someone's name doesn’t determine whether or not the person is from Heaven's direct lineage. That’s why the lineage of the true children is the lineage of Heaven and is higher than True Mother's lineage.
We have to understand this point clearly.
Mother was not victorious in her second mission, to protect and uplift the two sons that True Father established as Cain and Abel. She cast out the son that True Father established as his representative body, heir and successor and, determined to become the representative body, heir and successor herself, raised herself to the position of Queen. Despite the fact that Mother was in the position where she must honor and protect True Father's lineage after he ascended to the spirit world, she actually oppressed and ignored True Father's lineage and asserted that she herself is the Messiah with the purified lineage.
In this way, she left the original position of True Mother. But the fact that Hak Ja Han left her position does not mean that the True Parents Providence itself has failed.
Why? Because Mother Hak Ja Han left the position of True Mother of her own accord, the position of True Mother is left vacant. Meanwhile, True Father completed his own mission and remains in the position of True Parent, and because True Father holds that position and stands as the absolute subject, the True Parents Providence has neither failed nor become invalid.
By denying her absolute subject and acting to raise herself to that subject position, the Han Mother, who is to be the absolute object, has taken herself out of the position of True Parent. Thus, even though Hak Ja Han left her position, the providence of True Parents has not failed.
True Father completed all aspects of his mission, but the mission of True Mother remains to be completed. True Father's words testify to this. By failing to attend True Father as her subject, Mother came to depart the position of True Parent and the path to salvation can no longer be open through her. It is a truly regrettable state of affairs.
In all the cosmos, what more glorious position is there than the position of True Mother?
Externally, the expression 'True Parents' refers to True Father and True Mother, but internally, in means that the two of them are not divided but are in fact one. It means that their words, their goals, their ideal, their purpose and their direction is absolutely united.
Thus, when we spoke about True Father's teachings and providential actions, we used the honorific expression 'True Parents' based on the belief that Father and Mother were completely one and acted in complete oneness. However, in reality, on the inside, True Father's teachings and activities are the central aspect, and Mother's words and activities have never been the central focus. Every member of the Unification family knows this.
But if indeed Hak Ja Han's purpose and ideal have become separate and independent of True Father following his ascension, then the situation is even more serious. Each and every one of us believed that Mother had become completely one with True Father. We believed that Mother had followed the path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards True Father and perfected herself as the completed Eve. On that basis, just as we offered respect, honor and glory to the True Father, we also offered these to the True Mother who was one with him.
However, after True Father's ascension to the spirit world, we see a situation where the principles, teachings and instructions that he left us are being erased step by step.
We see, before our very eyes, that True Father's will and Hak Ja Han's will are not one and the same. And if they are not one and the same, it means they are in fact separate and divided. If they are separated, sadly, then who we should follow? It goes without saying that we must follow True Father.
There can be no question about this. We don't need some sophisticated explanation about it either. This means that the people who cause chaos and confusion for the members using the name of 'True Parents', the people who promote the spin, the false propaganda that Mother is one mind, one body with Father even while she goes along a completely different path - these people are simply archangels who have betrayed True Father.
  • "From the very start, I came as the Messiah and the only begotten daughter."
  • "Father's lineage is a lineage with original sin, right?"
  • "I was born without original sin."
  • "I am Hananim."
Hak Ja Han has said all these things publicly, and the ideal of the True Mother that we attended all those years has now drifted away like a mist in the wind. The assertions from the Family Federation that "True Parents are one" are nothing more than a sleight of hand they use to exploit True Father's status and accomplishments.
Moon Hyung Jin gave the Han Mother many opportunities to repent and return to Father. He opened up a path for her to leave the position in which she betrayed True Father and to return to the two sons who were victorious as Cain and Abel. Then he gave her a deadline.
He made all this public through his sermons, which communicate God’s will from a deep place of spiritual exchange between Hyung Jin Nim and True Father in the realm under True Father's direct governance. These sermons were the final notice given by Father to Mother. Yet, as we all know, Mother ignored this communication.
Accordingly, on a particular day, with tears streaming from his eyes, Hyung Jin Nim offered to Heaven a ceremony that formally invested Shin Joon Nim as the prince and the next in line. Hyung Jin Nim had all his children gather on the platform at the front of the chapel and had them offer a Kyeong bae bow to Shin Joon Nim. Moreover, he had Yeon Ah Nim offer Kyeong bae to Shin Joon Nim as well. In that Kyeong bae, Yeon Ah Nim pledged to attend Shin Joon Nim as King, even though she is the mother who gave him birth.
In this manner, Hyung Jin Nim had Yeon Ah Nim make a vow, publicly, that she would attend Shin Joon Nim as king and never usurp his rightful position when he rises to the position of the 3rd king, even if Hyung Jin Nim is not alive at that time. On that day, the chapel was deeply solemn, awash in a veritable sea of tears. Everyone shed tears: Hyung Jin Nim shed tears, Yeonah Nim shed tears, the children shed tears and the members shed tears. All Sanctuary brothers and sisters who watched this were moved in their hearts.
In this manner, by Yeonah Lee accepting and taking over this responsibility, the responsibility given to True Mother has moved on from her. Hak Ja Han has descended into a position of failure, so that even if she repents and returns to God’s will, she will never be able to return to the position of the True Mother, even if she does return to her correct position as Moon Hyung Jin's mother on an individual level.
This is not the will of Moon Hyung Jin. This is the will of True Father. The mission of Eve has been passed on, and it has been passed on because the central figure who was given the responsibility failed. We know that when a central figure fails in the calling given by Heaven, Heaven does not choose that person again. Mother has quite simply become Hak Ja Han, someone who failed her responsibility.
There is no position more glorious than that of the True Mother, and yet Hak Ja Han threw it away. She threw away True Father in order to lift herself up. She left the position of True Mother, and stumbled into a place where she has no connection with True Father.


  1. Putting 'True' before someone's name doesn’t determine whether or not the person is from Heaven's direct lineage. That’s why the lineage of the true children is the lineage of Heaven and is higher than True Mother's lineage.
    We have to understand this point clearly.

    1. She cast out the son that True Father established as his representative body, heir and successor and, determined to become the representative body, heir and successor herself, raised herself to the position of Queen.


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