Friday, November 8, 2019

Is Mother Hak Ja Han the perfected True Parent?

Is Mother Hak Ja Han the perfected True Parent?
In the Family Federation, they refer to Hak Ja Han as ‘the True Parents’. Despite the fact that True Father has ascended and moved to the spirit world, they always use the title of ‘True Parents’ for President Han, rather than referring to her as True Mother. It seems that the Family Federation wants to tacitly say to members that 'even though President Han is alone, True Father is with her. Therefore, she is True Parents'. . . I suppose that they want to say that because President Han is the True Parents, there is no difference whatsoever between the things that President Han is doing and the providence conducted by True Father before he ascended. In other words, the things that Hak Ja Han is doing are one and the same as what the True Parents are doing.
'True Parents' refers to the True Father and the True Mother, but it is different than the expression that refers to parents in general. The expression 'True Parents' includes a necessary internal order. The positions of the True Father and the True Mother are different. Within True Parents, True Father is in the position of absolute subject and True Mother is in the position of absolute object. For this reason, True Parents are only True Parents when the subject and object are absolutely one in will, ideal, purpose and direction.
When leading the actions of providential history, or when teaching, True Father often used the expression True Parents. However, in reality, the center was always True Father's activities and True Father's teachings; it was not about True Mother's activities or teachings. If, for example, True Father had used the title of True Father instead of the title of True Parents when he made proclamations, shared his words or conducted public events, no one would have batted an eyelid, and any one of us would have accepted it as wholly appropriate. In fact, all the providential works were planned by True Father, decided on by True Father, promoted and advanced by True Father, and True Father himself took responsibility for the results and for establishing the victories.
So what did Mother do? Mother was the object. She assisted her husband; she supported her subject. She listened and was obedient, and she followed him.
The problem we have today is that Hak Ja Han is standing as a separate subject in relation to her own subject. She has changed the principled trinity structure and relegated True Father to the position of object, asserting herself as the subject instead. So if True Father's teaching of Principle and Mother Hak Ja Han's teaching of Principle are different, whose teaching of Principle is the right one? Is it True Father's, or is it Hak Ja Han's? If there are two subjects within True Parents then the providence becomes ineffective.
Placing Mother Hak Ja Han in the subject position is not the Principle. Actually, it is unprincipled. The Family Federation asserts that the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary that follows Hyung Jin Nim is an unprincipled group, but if you think about it, it is easy to recognize that the Family Federation is in fact the unprincipled group. Why? Because they are changing the Principle.
Actually, the position of True Mother is the most glorious position there is. It is the position where the object becomes one with the subject centering on God. There is no more glorious position than this. Why? Because the True Mother position is the place, where God's ideal of creation is accomplished and fulfilled.
Nonetheless, Hak Ja Han left this position. Of her own volition, she aspired to claim a position higher than that of the True Mother position. In the presence of the King of Kings, she determined to make herself the King. She abandoned her true subject and put herself in her subject’s position, then declared herself to be the Only Begotten Daughter, to be the Messiah and to be God.
Tragically, the people of the Family Federation believe her words and have chosen to follow her anyway. So at what point did God send Hak Ja Han as the messiah? When was it? At what point did fallen human beings begin to receive salvation through Hak Ja Han?


  1. So what did Mother do? Mother was the object. She assisted her husband; she supported her subject. She listened and was obedient, and she followed him.
    The problem we have today is that Hak Ja Han is standing as a separate subject in relation to her own subject. She has changed the principled trinity structure and relegated True Father to the position of object, asserting herself as the subject instead. So if True Father's teaching of Principle and Mother Hak Ja Han's teaching of Principle are different, whose teaching of Principle is the right one? Is it True Father's, or is it Hak Ja Han's? If there are two subjects within True Parents then the providence becomes ineffective.

  2. What can family federation do because
    there are confusions and mistakes?
    What have you done to correct their mistakes?I am a teacher and i correct my learners mistakes.If mistakes are not corrected there will be a great failure.


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