Friday, November 1, 2019

The election of the President in the United States reveals the work of God

The election of the President in the United States reveals the work of God
Starting from 2 years before to the 2016 election, Moon Hyung Jin was waiting for a candidate to emerge who could rescue America and the world. Moon Hyung Jin made it very clear that Candidate Trump was a person put there by Heaven. He foresaw that Trump would achieve a definitive victory thanks to the work of God and True Father, so he made poured out all his effort and made conditions so that Trump would be elected.
Actually, this United States presidential election was not a fight about who could make the best promises or who was better at running a campaign. Rather, it was a spiritual battle between the three generational kingship and massive satanic forces. Even though we were unaware of it, the 2nd King, Moon Hyung Jin, unfolded a spiritual battle to ensure that Trump would be successful.
1) The United States presidential election was the providence to preserve Cheon Il Guk
Through his entire life, True Father, who came as the Messiah, worked to establish a foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Christians and his opponents criticized Reverend Moon, asking why he didn’t stick to the job of a ‘religious leader’. Why did he became involved in politics, finances, culture, media, philosophy, science, construction, the arts, sports, etc?
Well, that's accurate. True Father Sun Myung Moon is not simply a religious leader. True Father came to this world to establish God's kingdom in this world. His vision and dream was 'One world under God'.
He came to create a new civilization centered on God. He came to declare the end of Satan's culture and build a new ideal world centered on God. In other words, the world of 'Godism'.
Over the course of his whole life, True Father prepared the foundation in all dimensions necessary for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. However, due to the cosmic-level fall of the Han Mother, who stood in the position to represent all of humankind, Father's ideal could not be accomplished during his lifetime, and he ascended to the spirit world leaving the Will to be accomplished through the three generation kingships.
The Satanic world, now confronted with crisis and having been put on the defensive by the providence of the Messiah, used the cosmic-level fall of the Han Mother as a condition to concentrate their forces and conduct an all-out attack.
They devised a plot and conspired to achieve eternal dominion over humankind. They assembled all the satanic forces behind politics, finances, media, religion, society, culture, etc. and moved to drive God out by establishing a world government centering on the super-elite groups, thereby ushering in Satan's worldwide kingship what would control humankind forever.
In other words, they planned a 'One world under Satan'.
In this way, as always, Satan took the initiative to build an unprincipled world before the emergence of a principled world.
The recent United States presidential election was not a competition between Trump, the male candidate from the Republican Party versus Clinton, the female candidate from the Democratic Party. Rather, it was a war by proxy between God and Satan.
That war, that fight, was fought out between Trump, supported by Christians on the one hand, and Clinton, who was supported by the super-rich and world banks, who are a satanic force exercising control and influence over the USA.
Accordingly, Moon Hyung Jin, who stands in the position of the King of Kings of Cheon Il Guk, declared himself to the world via "Breaking the Silence" and went forth in search of Trump.
While Kim Young Soon of the Family Federation was busy with the spirit world report, Moon Hyung Jin and Moon Kook Jin were conducting a fight-to-the-death spiritual battle with the Satanic forces, forces that intend to dominate and control humankind forever by setting up a satanic world government.


  1. The Satanic world, now confronted with crisis and having been put on the defensive by the providence of the Messiah, used the cosmic-level fall of the Han Mother as a condition to concentrate their forces and conduct an all-out attack.
    They devised a plot and conspired to achieve eternal dominion over humankind. They assembled all the satanic forces behind politics, finances, media, religion, society, culture, etc. and moved to drive God out by establishing a world government centering on the super-elite groups, thereby ushering in Satan's worldwide kingship what would control humankind forever.

    1. In other words, they planned a 'One world under Satan'.

  2. We always hoped that the work of our true Father could be recognized in his lifetime by a fearless and truly american leader. Certainly our work was not enough to create such a condition and I truly believe that someones somehow were able to fulfill those condition in order for Mr.Donald Trump to emerge.


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