Friday, November 1, 2019

Victory of the Three-Generation Kingships

Victory of the Three-Generation Kingships

In the lead up to the election, virtually no one predicted Donald Trump’s victory. If anybody did, it was only Trump himself and the Second King, Pastor Moon Hyung Jin of Sanctuary Church, plus the victorious Cain Moon Kook Jin. In fact, despite recognizing the providential necessity of Trump being elected as President as per the words of Moon Hyung Jin, even Sanctuary brothers and sisters felt anxious about the outcome.

All mainstream media and political pundits were predicting an overwhelming win by Hillary Clinton. If someone floated the notion that Trump would win the election, that person was treated like a mindless idiot or a fool. Until the last day of the campaign, the key media in the United States confidently stated that Clinton had a 90% probability of winning. For us, all we could do was to lean pitifully on Heaven nursing wretched, painful hearts. And so we prayed, and we prayed, and we prayed that once again, in 2016, we would see the sort of miracle that happened in 1976, when Ronald Reagan was elected thanks to True Father's support.

Do you know how we felt? Do you know our hearts? We felt anxious, knowing that if Trump was defeated in the election, the Satanic forces would attack, ridicule and condemn the dignity and capacity of the Second King. Why? Because the Second King was clearly supporting Trump in the name of God while exposing and attacking Clinton for what she is. I take this opportunity to confess that my faith was weak, and all I can do is to offer repentance and ask for forgiveness.

As the election day passed and the votes were counted, we saw heaven and earth turned upside down before our eyes.

An undeniable great victory for Trump!

Once again, that miracle we were earnestly praying for, the miracle we barely dared to believe in, took place and America was shaken. The world was astonished, staggered.

The result was in fact even more amazing and astounding than the success of the Reagan landslide accomplished by True Father. While people all over the world were astounded and struggling to believe the outcome, Sanctuary supporters around the world shed tears and offered prayers of thanks and glory to God, together with Moon Hyung Jin.

However, this victory was not Donald Trump's personal victory. It was a victory for God, who had set Donald Trump as his champion. It was a victory for True Father in the spirit world. It was a victory for the united Cain and Abel, the Second King of Cheon Il Guk and the three generation kingships.

God blessed Donald Trump in order to save the world, and internally, to establish Cheon Il Guk. The Christians of America became one and supported him.

  • Oek Mansei for the establishment of God's kingly authority!
  • Oek Mansei for the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind!
  • Oek Mansei for the establishment of Cheon Il Guk!

The fight between good and evil starts now.

However, the fight begins from this point.

A final war remains to be fought against the Satanic forces, who, centering on the super-elite, aim to build a world government and single global economic system where human beings can be farmed and bred like slaves.

Hidden from the visible world of external phenomena, there are the archangelic forces that want to manipulate the world's politics, economics, media, religions, societies and cultures from behind, like some poisonous cloud over the globe. A final fight to the finish remains and it is against Archangelic forces that want to rule humankind for eternity.

These are the forces that oppose God; they are the anti-Christ powers.

They must be judged in the name of God, in the name of the Messiah, and in the name of the three generation kingships. We have to fight it out, to decide once and for all. We have to banish them forever and complete the building of the substantial Cheon Il Guk.

With Trump externally in the lead, and internally through the providence of the Second King, embracing Christianity, we have to put an end to Satan on this earth forever. This is an unavoidable fight, a fight that has to be won so that we can establish Cheon Il Guk in substance.

During the next 7 years of judgment, we must conduct a holy war, one in which we judge the satanic forces and restore God's ideal of creation. The Bible prophecies such a final war. This is what it calls ‘Armageddon’.

Christianity will come to attend the Second Coming by working with the Second King, who will lead the campaign of this holy war.

Think about it!

  1. Why did Cain and Abel come to the wilderness of Pennsylvania under the guidance of True Father?
  2. Why did True Father invest so much effort in the Las Vegas providence prior to his ascension to the spirit world?
  3. Who would have guessed that Trump would emerge from Las Vegas as a candidate for the presidency of the United States?

Trump was an entrepreneur who built his businesses in the hotel and gambling industries in Las Vegas.

It was True Father's investment, True Father's Cheong Seong that found Trump and set him up before God.

It was True Father who led the Las Vegas providence in order to send Donald Trump to the Second King in the wilderness.

The Second King, Mrs. and Mrs. Hyung Jin Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Kook Jin Moon


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