Saturday, September 17, 2022

History of Christianity and human history

True Father and Han mother has different answers to questions

1. History of Christianity and human history

Han Mother:

  • The two thousand years of history was one of searching for the only begotten daughter of God. Han Mother’s speech July 1, 2014
  • The True Mother, sitting before you today, am the only begotten daughter of God born after six thousand years! Heaven has been guiding providential history for six thousand years through the Han (Korean) race. TM’s speech July 1, 2014

True Father:

  • Through two thousand years of Christianity God made the Second Advent of the Lord possible … CSG page 1179 (English)
  • God founded the nation of Israel and Judaism so that they could receive the Messiah. The Messiah is the True Parent. God created Christianity and the Christian culture to receive the Lord and the Second coming. The returning Lord is the True Parent who comes as the third Adam. TF’s speech 5 December 1971 vol. 51 page 354, CSG page 190 (English)
  • The official name of Rev. Moon, the name that God established is True Parent, True Parent. TF’s speech November 1st, 1996, vol. 280, page 77
  • God proclaimed that Rev. Moon is Savior and next He said Rev. Moon is Messiah, Second Lord and True Parent. God’s Peace Messages page 731.
  • The six thousand years of history was history to search one Adam. That is why you should follow me. If Adam and Eve do not appear, God cannot fulfill creation. TF’s speech, vol. 29, page 267 - 
Essai by Sho Sasaki

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Reverend Moon's Will on Educational Manuals for Humanity

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will

Father Moon is the right Abel figure of the Providence

(even if he is in the spiritual world)

Father said that Lucifer has one more last secret arm and may attack True Father through it. (It is right, when we see what Hak Ja Han has done)

/ 👍

In “the Abel right path from the providential point of view” speech, Father Moon said:

“I feel that if things become any more difficult then perhaps everyone will pack up and drop out. Even if everyone leaves and my family abandon me, I will find a few good people and reach the final goal.”

Reverend Moon's Will regarding the Eight Educational Manuals for Humanity 

Father Moon is not confused about the 8 great textbooks.

They were the leaders of the world and each of them received a copy of these books.

"You must study them now and in the Spiritual World".

Of course, Han mother and the Family Federation think they know things better than Father does.

They think they have the right to change them.

One of the last Proclamations of Reverend Sun Myung Moon

/ 🙏

"I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes. They are: The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong, The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Families: Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture. These are textbooks, you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation".

This Proclamation was made on three different occasions, as follows:

  • July 24, 2010 - Manhattan Center, New York, NY - "Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind"
  • April 26, 2011 - Sun Myung Moon - European Tour - Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self
  • "January 12-15, 2012 - Convensia, Songdo in Inchon, Korea, with 12,000 in audience attending - "Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self."

/ 👍

No one should change the Eight Great Textbooks 👎

"I know when there are some changes in what I’ve said, even a word or colon. I check repeatedly to leave perfection behind when I die. You should be the same way. When you leave a historic inheritance to your descendants, you must make sure you are leaving something flawless. That is how you can inherit True Parents’ position. This is absolutely true. Otherwise, you cannot pass through the door into the spirit world behind True Parents. You will end up creating paradise or hell right before the doorstep of heaven. There won’t be any restoration for thousands or tens of thousands of years".

Sun Myung Moon, Declaration of the Realm of Life of the Unity and Completed Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth August 5, 2002 Sutaek-ri, Korea

Take care 🙏

“Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks more than me at this time because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the Word”. [Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks, given at the European Leaders’ Assembly (August 19-24, 2012]

In his speech "The Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks" given to the Assembly of European Leaders (19-24 August 2012, Professor Oh told the audience that the Father had asked everyone to take care of the Eight Great Books of more text than himself.

/ The Split 💥

Father was predicting that if the Cheon Seong Gyeong and the 8 textbooks were changed, there would have been a division in the church. He knew it and predicted it. (Actually, this is what happened) 💥

“The reason why we are having this time is because [I’m worried that I] might leave behind affirmations that could be criticized after I leave to Spirit World. We have to make it very clear. The word Cheon Seong Gyeong is a very dreadful word. Any person, a third person, regardless of how great they may be, even if they have several Nobel prizes under their belt, nobody can touch [or change] the Cheon Seong Gyeong. That is why new denominations will not arise. (447-187, 2004. 11. 26)

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Proclamation by the True Parents

1) The meaning of representative body and heir
On April 23, 2010, True Parents issued a proclamation.
Before he passed to the spirit world, True Father proclaimed the axis of inheritance before God and humankind. "The headquarters of cosmic peace is also the one unique headquarters. Its representative body and heir is Moon Hyung Jin. Any other person is a heretic and destroyer. The contents written here are a proclamation of the True Parent(s). Sealed: Sun Myung Moon.”
True Father established Moon Hyung Jin as his representative body and proxy, his heir and inheritor. He also very clearly warned that any other person aspiring to that position is a ‘heretic and destroyer’. So how do you understand the current reality that we see today, where people have rejected Father's representative body and heir, causing the current denominational split? Clearly, those people have become heretics and destroyers, fulfilling True Father’s very words.
What is the significance of True Parents blessing of the representative body and heir? True Parents blessed Moon Hyung Jin as their representative body and heir. The Korean expression 'Dae Shin Ja' means someone who ‘stands in place of my own body’. It means that the dae shin ja is True Father's body. It is a promise from True Father that he will be with Moon Hyung Jin and present inside him. It also means that Moon Hyung Jin resides in the direct dominion of True Father and God.
Father also blessed Hyung Jin Nim as his 'Sang Sok Ja' - his heir and inheritor. But what exactly did True Father inherit and bequeath to Hyung Jin Nim? Was it money? Was it the assets of the Family Federation? Was it the Cheon Jeong Gung? No, True Father’s inheritance is more than this - the inheritance given by the Messiah is not limited to some sort of material foundation. What Father actually bequeathed to his heir is the authority of the True Parents. True Father bequeathed his will and his heart (Shimjeong). He left his completion of the providence of restoration to his heir. People, wake up! You have to understand this point! True Father has designated his heir and told us to follow this person after he is gone.
How can you possibly turn your back on the heir established directly by True Father? How can you ostracize Moon Hyung Jin, True Father's representative and proxy?
The Messiah, the True Parent, the King of Kings blessed Hyung Jin Nim as his dae shin ja, his body and his heir. He proclaimed this to all of heaven and earth by crowning him in three separate coronation ceremonies, in front of God, and this fact cannot be changed by anyone. God himself witnessed and recognized it. Even Hak Ja Han cannot deny this point.
And as if this wasn’t enough, True Father, in his own words, states very clearly: anyone who denies this fact is a heretic and a destroyer. This means that anyone who denies this will be unable to escape judgment.
The leaders of the Family Federation tell us that they cannot recognize this proclamation by True Parents as an official document because True Father issued it as a written proclamation without formal due process. But who was it that so actively asked True Father to bless Moon Hyung Jin as his heir at the time this document was made? It was Hak Ja Han
Moreover, when the Family Federation leadership asserts that True Father didn’t use the proper procedures to decide his line of succession, or that he was incapable of making the correct decision at the time, they are essentially denying True Father’s messiahship and denying the providence of God through True Father. After making the proclamation, True Father very clearly explained his reasons for establishing Hyung Jin Nim as his successor. In addition, he went on to conduct three consecutive coronation ceremonies in which he crowned Moon Hyung Jin's couple as True Parents' dae shin ja. He also transferred to Moon Hyung Jin's couple his authority and jurisdiction over the Blessing. All the evidence of this is recorded in video footage and is easily verifiable.
But the leadership of the Family Federation has rejected the Messiah and betrayed his will.
When I understood this, I came to a personal determination. At the time, church members were criticizing me, saying that I had caused Mother much sorrow. So false! I have done nothing more than chosen to follow True Father's will and True Father's words. Moreover, True Father has shown his approval of my choice through signs. Even though this means I have separated from you, I have been able to establish my vertical axis. Because the Han Mother has chosen to deny True Father's final will, I cannot recognize her. I have left the church that I love, the church that I invested my heart in for 38 years, and yet I feel no hesitation or fear. Rather, my heart aches for you who have turned your backs on the path of sincerity and truth.
I have left the Family Federation, even though I dedicated my faith, love and youth to that organization. Everyone laughs at me, telling me that I am acting like an idiot. They take the things that I say and use them to slander me. They cut me off, refusing to even engage with me. They refuse to talk with me. They isolate me. But I am not a weak-willed person. I’m not worried about what others think of me. I don't care if others call me an idiot or a moron because on my faith in True Father. And I expect that the Family Federation headquarters and even the church members will persecute me even more in the future, but it doesn't scare me at all. My mind is full of conviction and confidence. Unlike some people I know, I'm not worn down by a desire for horizontal acceptance, such that I throw away my fidelity or my principles. Up until the final moment, I won’t let go. I’ll be following True Father's will, even if it means I have to grab hold of his trousers and get myself dragged along.
Why is that? Because this is what True Father told us to do. Because following Moon Hyung Jin is the only way to preserve the words of True Father, and it’s the only way to uphold the principles and the principled order established by True Father. Most importantly, it’s the only way to preserve the 3 kingships that True Father established. Why else? Because at this very moment, the Family Federation has left the path of God's heavenly will. It has become an unprincipled instrument moving to eternally erase the 3 kingships put in place by True Father himself.
This is the instrument to which you have aligned yourselves, and it is to such leaders that you are offering your absolute faith and absolute obedience.
The purpose of the life of faith of the Unificationist is to follow the Will by attending to the lineage of Heaven.
Let me quote a passage from the Bible (Matthew 7/22 ~ 23).
Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”
2) Denial of the three kingships: Denial of True Father's lineage
The Family Federation has rejected the successor established by True Father, the one he anointed as his representative body and heir. They have rejected the line of succession established by Christ, the King of Kings. They have denied the three kingships and they have declared that the organ known as ‘the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council’ will determine the successor.
The Supreme Council is comprised of the current leadership of the Family Federation. In their structure, the Supreme Council is the one to select the person who becomes the successor to authority. Accordingly, if they don’t like the way you speak, or act, you can never become the successor. What this means is that over and above the successor, the Supreme Council is the one that rules.
But the true heir was decided on by the True Parents. In three separate official ceremonies, True Parents together publicly proclaimed the heir before God and before all of heaven and earth. You, then, are rejecting and denying the three kingships that connects True Father, Moon Hyung Jin and Moon Shin Joon Nim. Under what authority and in whose name are you trying to overturn this? Your actions are in direct opposition to the will of the Messiah.
You deny the lineage of Heaven and the seed of Heaven. Do you remember why God the Creator became a God of sorrow? The human ancestors were seduced by Satan and they fell, losing God's lineage. It was leaving God’s lineage to join Satan's lineage that constituted the Fall. For what purpose was Jesus sent? We learned about this through the Principle. Jesus was sent to find a bride so that he could establish Heaven's lineage here on the earth.
So what then is the reason we need the Second Coming? Jesus could not find his bride and died upon the cross, so he must return again as the bridegroom to find the bride and celebrate the marriage of the Lamb. But what for? To connect the lineage of Heaven and plant it here on Earth. What is the supreme hope of the children of the Unification family? It is to be engrafted into the lineage of Heaven.
Hak Ja Han denied her own sons - the very lineage of Heaven - and chased them out.
In addition, in order to eternally deny and erase the heavenly seed, the ‘successor’ will now be decided by the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council...
If the Messiah's successor can be determined by a group of people known as ‘the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council’, then why did Heaven need to send the Messiah in the first place? You could simply select a smart person by holding an election. Just use the democratic process, just like when a President is elected, or when members of congress are elected.
In other words, why on earth does Heaven have to work and prepare for two thousand years to send the Messiah? You can just elect him.
No. You have forgotten the very foundations of the Divine Principle. You have forgotten what the original lineage is. You have even forgotten what the fallen lineage is. What are you doing? Are you just living your lives dreaming about all the blessings you might receive? Are you thinking you can just go to Cheong Pyeong, pay money to liberate and bless your ancestors, and clap your way into Heaven? Will you clap so hard that your hands hurt? Will you sing hymns and then just expect your ancestors to help you? Is this the meaning of your lives?

The Blessing to Return to the Realm of True Father's Authority

2) Why must we receive the 'Blessing to Return to the Realm of True Father's Authority'?
The reason that Moon Hyung Jin is conducting the 'Blessing to Return to the Realm of True Father's Authority' is that all Family Federation members left the realm of True Father's authority through participating in the false Foundation Day ceremony (January 13, 2013).
True Father told us that Foundation Day would be the third marriage ceremony of the True Parents.
He said that it was to be the final marriage ceremony. This means that even though True Father had ascended to the spirit world, Mother on Earth had to attend to True Father in heaven and hold the Blessing on Foundation Day. However, there was no final third marriage ceremony for True Parents when Foundation Day took place. Instead, the only ceremony conducted was one in which the Han Mother ascended the throne, dressed in a crown as queen. Shortly after, the Han Mother declared herself as the Messiah and said that she had become the wife of God. Where, then, was True Father in all of this? The truth is that when Mother Hak Ja Han become the wife of the being referred to as ‘God’, she had already left the position of the wife of True Father.
On Foundation Day, church members drank the holy wine and received the Blessing while attending ‘Heavenly Parents’. They accepted the blessing and drank the holy wine by themselves in the absence of True Father. Who provided the holy wine? Clearly it was not holy wine consecrated by True Father. Externally, Foundation Day was conducted in a glorious and splendid manner, but tragically True Father's spirit was not there.
By drinking the holy wine and accepting a false blessing from the being referred to as ‘Heavenly Parents’, all members left True Father and lost their lineage connection to him. That is why all have to return. Everyone must, without fail, receive the 'Blessing to Return to the Realm of True Father's Authority'. Because all you, each one, went down a false path in ignorance, True Father's representative body and heir is extending an opportunity to be able to return through grace. Because he loves you, he wants to save you and for this reason, he is opening up this path. If you do not accept Hyung Jin Nim's words and ignore this 'Realm of Authority Blessing', you will have no connection to True Father. This is clear.
3) Ceremony for Blessing Ancestors
True Father instructed all blessed families to complete the blessing of 210 generations of ancestors before Foundation Day, but there were members who were unable to do this because of economic reasons. When beginning his course as the Second King, True Father's representative body Moon Hyung Jin made a determination for their sake, and for the sake of elder blessed families who attended True Father and invested themselves for God's will since the early days. He also made this determination for the sake of Japanese members who were unable to bless their ancestors. Those Japanese members had frequently gone into debt in order to make providential donations on the global level, even raiding their children's education insurance to achieve the Will.
Cheon Il Guk is the world centering on God's heart and true love. Accordingly, Moon Hyung Jin declared that no one should be prevented from entering the Kingdom of Heaven simply because they do not have enough money to bless their ancestors. He stated that he would liberate and bless 210 generations with no donation requirement, although donations could still be offered. This ancestor liberation and blessing ceremony has been conducted twice so far (at the time of writing this text).
In accordance with True Father's will, Moon Hyung Jin conducts a ceremony for the liberation and blessing of 210 generations in the capacity of the second-generation kingship, once or twice a year.
Before he ascended to the spirit world, True Father transferred to Moon Hyung Jin the authority to give the spirit world blessing. Now, the level of this blessing is different to the liberation blessing that people can only receive by donating tens of millions of won at Cheong Pyeong. Dae Mo Nim's liberation and blessing is different. The blessing from Hyung Jin Nim is conducted directly by the representative body and successor of True Father, who perfected the absolute level of Heaven's lineage.

By what authority does Moon Hyung Jin give the blessing

1) By what authority does Moon Hyung Jin give the blessing?
This is what the Family Federation say: we already received the Blessing from True Parents. Why do we have to receive the Blessing again? They criticize us and say: "Moon Hyung Jin is nothing more than the son, so what kind of authority does he have to declare True Parents' blessing invalid and to tell us to receive the Blessing again?
That is true. Moon Hyung Jin is not the True Parent. He is, however, the True Parent's representative body and heir. He is the True Parent's successor. Following True Father's ascension to the spirit world, Moon Hyung Jin, as True Father's representative body, is the one responsible for the providence.
Indeed, Moon Hyung Jin is the center of all providential conditions. This is because True Father blessed him as his representative body. That fact is something you cannot deny, no matter how much you may want to. If you try to deny it, the only result will be an increase in the weight of your sin. Moreover, True Father bequeathed the authority to give the blessing to Moon Hyung Jin. That’s something else no one can deny. If you are unaware of this point, then ask about it. Father invested Hyung Jin Nim with authority to give the Blessing to true children, to the first generation, to the second generation, and even to the spirit world (spirit world blessing). For this reason, as True Parents’ representative body, Moon Hyung Jin has the authority to give the Blessing.
In contrast, Hak Ja Han does not have the authority to give the Blessing. Her position is that of True Father's wife. I have never heard anything said by True Father that he consented or gave Mother the authority to give the Blessing.
The Blessing is heavenly grace granted to us by Heaven with True Parents' couple as the officiators. It is a heavenly grace from the invisible God given through his representative body, the visible True Parent, to his descendants. Clearly, then, someone who has the heavenly lineage must be endowed with that authority to stand as an officiator of the blessing ceremony. It’s not something just anyone can do. Regardless of how many times Mother attended True Father and stood together with him as an officiator of the Blessing, the Blessing itself was always conducted centering on True Father. For example, the holy marriage vows, the holy marriage proclamation, even the benediction – all these were carried out by True Father. Mother held the position of officiator beside True Father only in the capacity of the True Mother. The Blessing itself must be conducted with a couple as officiators, representing True Parents as a whole.
For this reason, it simply isn’t possible for Hak Ja Han to stand by herself as an officiator of the Blessing. The Blessing must be conducted by the couple of the representative body and heir. Why? Because True Father himself determined that.

Does Hak Ja Han have the authority to change True Father's words and principles

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
1) Does Hak Ja Han have the authority to change True Father's words and principles?
The Family Federation asserts that because Mother is the perfected Eve, she cannot make mistakes or do anything wrong. They also assert that because she is one with True Father, what Mother does is the same as what True Father does. They say that True Father is with Mother spiritually. Accordingly, they assert, regardless of what she does, Mother is correct and righteous. In other words, members should follow in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, even if they don't understand.
The members of the Family Federation are told that because President Hak Ja Han is the living True Mother, they must obey and follow everything. The Family Federation position is this: because Mother is ‘one mind, one body’ with True Father and has equal authority, she has the authority to revise and change True Father's words and instructions. In other words, Mother does not have to obey or follow True Father's words.
This position means that she can revise and modify the Eight Great Textbooks, including the Cheon Seong Gyeong; she can change, at her discretion, various principles and traditions that True Father established (Family Pledge, the Cheon Il Guk Anthem, the Holy Marriage vows, the position and role of subject and object, sale of holy grounds); if someone doesn’t obey Mother or is ‘unfilial’ to her, she can get rid of that person, even if it is True Father's successor; she can abolish the three kingships set by Father and set up the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council in its place, and when the council selects a successor according to Mother's will, only then will the Federation support that person.
On the basis of this position, True Father's words being deliberately altered and the institutions and guiding principles that he established over his lifetime are being swept aside and changed.
It makes no sense. What does ‘one mind, one body’ mean? Doesn't it mean that the mind and body have become completely one? Doesn’t it mean that the will and purpose and direction and action are all completely aligned? So then how can you say that the actions of denying, altering and remaking all of True Father's works are an expression of ‘one mind, one body’?
From the year 2000 onwards, True Father became deeply concerned, saying that Mother was not following True Father's words.
When he was alive, True Father severely scolded Mother for going against the Will of heaven, and reportedly even warned her that he could divorce her.
If one presents these words of True Father to the Family Federation headquarters, they just shut their mouths and run from the argument. They imagine that as long as they keep the members in the dark, it will all work out somehow. But is that really possible? They may be able to block the eyes and ears of the membership for a certain period of time, but the truth cannot be buried forever, and the leadership cannot keep the members under wraps forever. The only people you can completely lock down are criminals (in prison) and the mentally ill.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Scrapping the Eight Great Textbooks

A Variety of Deeds that Break Away from God's Providential Will
2) Scrapping the Eight Great Textbooks
The Family Federation is abolishing the words that True Father left for us (the Eight Great Textbooks) and are putting up the 3 Great Scriptures in their place. Even though the Messiah himself emphasized that the Eight Great Textbooks are his final will and testament to humanity, the Federation is abandoning these, willfully and without his permission. In their place, the Federation has put forward the '3 great scriptures' (Revised Cheon Seong Gyeong, Peace Scripture, True Parents Scripture).
True Father warned us that altering even a single word of his scriptures would invite heavenly judgment. Despite this, the Federation scrapped True Father’s designated scriptures. The revised Cheon Seong Gyeong, for example, contains alterations to more than 70% of the original contents in the original Cheon Seong Gyeong.
The Federation leadership have brazenly deleted, modified, edited and added to the texts that the Messiah himself left behind for all posterity. If they needed to have alternate scriptures, then they could have left the Eight Great Textbooks intact as the legacy that Father established and then published the ‘three great scriptures’ later. Scrapping the Eight Great Textbooks that True Father designated as his final will and testament is unacceptable and inexcusable.
For this reason, you must not refine or trim them. (April 26, 2005)
(Explanation) The Cheon Seong Gyeong is Father's final testament, the words he put in preservation before going to the spirit world. Because he offered the Cheon Seong Gyeong, Page 1564 (Korean version)
There is only one person who can correct or modify (why does this say wolli Kangnon when he is referring to the CSG??) Wolli Kangnon, and that person is me (True Father). You have to move forward centering on Father's recorded speeches. If you love me, then you have to love the Eight Great Textbooks even more than I do. (November 19, 2009)
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Haeseol, Page 811 (Korean version)
Can you simply change the documents blessed and sealed by God and Father according to your own thinking? You have to see them as absolute. They contain the words that your descendants can love and revere for thousands of generations. (February 27, 2007)
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Haeseol, Page 841 (Korean version)
I do not want anyone to take my words and try to polish or refine them. If they are distorted, it will become a condition for you to be accused when you go to the other world, and you will be unable to avoid judgment Eight Great Textbooks directly to Heaven, everything is finished. Father stated clearly that there was nothing more that needed to be changed.
True Father told us very clearly not to manipulate his words and texts under any circumstances. He gave us strict instructions, saying "If I said shit, then record it as 'shit', and if I said 'fist', then record it as 'fist'". Several times over, True Father read through the texts and went over all the details in his Hoon Dok sessions, sacrificing even his sleeping time. Finally, he gave it his royal kingly seal and offered those texts to heaven.
And yet, the Federation still revised the texts. Even if Father had never left instructions that his texts were to be meticulously preserved, how can it be acceptable to modify and change the Messiah's texts just according to one’s own thinking?
If you do not believe what I am saying here, then compare the texts in the Original Cheon Seong Gyeong with the revised Cheon Seong Gyeong. More than 70% of the text has been modified. Words, even prefixes and suffixes have been changed. Check it out. Verify it. Check to see if I am telling the truth.
True Father explained to us about the source text for the speech he gave at the 'Cosmic Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word of God in the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind'. He told us that the text contains True Father's lifetime story and that Cheon Il Guk itself is contained within. He treasured the binder containing this text up until the time directly before his ascension. Whenever he went somewhere, and wherever he went, he took this binder with him: to all public events (and public rallies of various sizes) and to Hoon Dok Hwe, where he used it as his reading material.
If you look at the text from page 44 onwards, True Father clearly states that the Eight Great Textbooks are the final testament he has prepared and bequeathed to humankind, and he instructs us to read and study (Hoon dok) these texts, not only on Earth but also in the spirit world. Yet, despite this fact, after True Father's ascension to the spirit world, the Eight Great Textbooks cannot be obtained from any of the official FFWPU organs (including the Cheongpa Seojeom (bookstore). That is the current reality.
At the head office of the Family Federation, they stubbornly defend this position, saying that because these books have already been bequeathed to members, it simply does not matter.

History of Christianity and human history

True Father and Han mother has different answers to questions 1. History of Christianity and human history Han Mother: The two thous...